Are you someone that does the exact same workout every day? Well, maybe not the exact same workout, but think of it more like ‘your body doing the exact same thing every day’? For instance, if you are a runner you are more than likely doing a short fast-paced run one day, a longer run another day, a pace run the next and so on. Even though the workouts might seem different, your body is still going through the same movements every day. Your body is missing out on so much more you could be doing for it.
Now think about eating the exact same thing every day. Each meal would be the same for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. Even if it was your ‘last meal on Earth’ type of meal it would certainly get old pretty fast. Additionally, just like with the same workout every day, your body is going to be missing out on some much-needed nutrients that come from other foods.
A variety in your food and in your workouts is ideal. In fact, some of the fittest people partake in different workouts day in and day out, and yes you guessed it, they also eat a wide variety of food.
We are not suggesting that you have to go do workouts you hate to force yourself to eat foods you think are disgusting. We are merely suggesting that you try and incorporate some variety in your life. Take it slow. Try new recipes. Sign up for new online classes to give you a little taste of something new.
Every once and a while we can become lazy and not want to partake in that workout we had planned for the day. It’s so easy to get out of a routine when you become bored of it. That’s why we need to add a little spice to our everyday workout and nutrition routine. Sports that may never have even crossed your mind can be a fun workout you will get hooked to. Try playing tennis or swimming in the pool while you may not be the best either of them with practice you’ll continue to grow stronger and gain new skills. Everything with time and practice. You can even invite a friend next time you want to work out.
Below are some tips to help inspire you!
First, for your workout –
- Set Up The Big Picture: Start a calendar where you plan on which day of the week you do which workout, figuring on moving through a variety of muscles. Remember: variety is key. Run, walk, bike, swim, weight-lift, then circle back and repeat. Or add new exercises each week like tennis, jump rope, dance, etc.
- Switch up your destinations. If you want to run/walk, vary up your destinations during the week. Head to the park on one day, into the woods on another, swing by a friend’s home and say hi. Of course, you can always step out your front door and explore your own neighborhood.
- Treat your feet! If your feet could talk to you, they would demand a different supporting shoe for your feet. Picking the right shoe to run with can make all the difference. Before you purchase your shoes, ask questions and find the best fit for whichever type of exercise you are participating in.
- Integrate friends into your workout. We all need to stay connected with our friends, but when you are facing a deadline at school or work, well, the last thing you may be thinking about is socializing. Bring a friend along on your walk via phone or physically get together. Don’t be surprised if your workout goes by faster. And you know what else? You may not have to with all the podcasts that exist. Even listening to your favorite music can make all the difference.
- Stay hydrated!!! This is so important when doing daily exercises. Grab a water bottle for your next workout. (Before and after your workout you should stay hydrated. EBOOST offers products to help you stay hydrated for all kinds of workouts you choose each day.
Benefits of working out
Working out can be a fun way to get out and do something different. It can be a way to meet new people and can improve your mental and physical health. Some people don’t know the benefits of working out and eating healthy. Working out doesn’t have to be boring and repetitive. You can change it every day. Spice up your life a little with a new workout routine. I promise you won’t regret it.
There are many exercises you can participate in to help benefit you. Some of the many benefits of working out include helping you think, learn, and judge. Help you to control your weight. Help to improve your mental health and mood. It can even help you to reduce the risk of obtaining heart diseases. Even if you work out just a little bit every day this can help improve your body.
Exercise can help to speed up digestion which can help protect your colon by taking harmful substances out of it in a quicker time frame. Exercise is even said to lower cancer risk. It is also said to help patients who are in cancer treatment with their quality of life.
It is important to acknowledge all of the benefits that exercising can do for you.
While you may think it will be extremely difficult to get started, the benefits of working out outweigh the cons.
How long should you workout everyday
Your exercise does not need to be as long as you may think. While many people spend at least an hour in the gym you do not necessarily need to exercise for that long.
Fitting in an exercise every day can be tricky for us busy bees. Incorporating exercise into your everyday routine is so important.
Adults should spend 150 minutes participating in moderately intense activities or 75 minutes of high-intensity activities every week.
It is important to get up and move. You should not be sitting all day every day. Sometimes depending on your job, you may be at a desk all day. This can be harmful to your health.
Research has been done that links sitting for long periods of time with increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat, etc.
You should take into consideration these possible detriments to your health and find different ways to get up and active at work.
How to improve your mental health with working out
There are so many benefits to working out. One major benefit is helping to improve your mental health. Your mental health is so important along with your physical health. If you want to try and improve your mental health get out there for a quick workout. Exercising can help you sleep, help to boost your mood, and even help with stress and anxiety. Even just a short exercise can help improve your mental health.
Aerobic exercises can help to reduce anxiety and depression. Aerobic exercises can include swimming, biking, walking, jogging, dancing, and more. These can be fun, easy exercises that you can do with friends or by yourself and don’t take up too much time. Get out there and try one of these exercises you will feel great after it!
Exercising can be hard to start but you have to start somewhere. Although you may not want to start it can be so amazing once you do so. It does not even have to involve getting a gym membership. Grab some EBOOST for some extra energy and begin your workout.
Start with a light exercise and then slowly build on that each day. You will slowly improve your strength and endurance and then your mental health as well. You can always start so don’t keep pushing off your first workout. You got this!
Making exercise fun again
Many people struggle to enjoy their exercise routine every day. They may tend to stop working out because they have no drive anymore. This is where spicing up the workout routine can be perfect. It’s easy to get distracted by other things happening around you.
Spin classes can be a fun way to incorporate music and colorful lights with your workout. Spin can be a great workout and make you excited for the next. The high energy in the room will make you leave wanting more.
Joining a challenge can make working out fun as well. It can be a fitness challenge with a group or just in competition with yourself. You can even have a step challenge with friends to see who can get the most steps each day.
Even just changing your clothing can be fun. Sometimes we get in the habit of wearing similar clothing to our workouts every day. Buy some new cute clothes to make you confident when you attend your next workout.
There are several ways to spice up your workout routine. Making exercise fun again doesn’t have to be a chore. It can be exciting and can get you out there to meet new people and try something you have never done before. Do something today that pushes you out of your comfort zone. You will not regret it!
Best exercises to do depending on age
As you get older your workout routine should start to change. Exercise is so important at every age, but you might want to change it up depending on where you are in life. You also want to make sure you enjoy the workout or else you will not want to do it. When you are in your 20s you should try and incorporate weight training as well as cardio. You also want to make sure you are stretching after your workouts. This can be really important, but most people forget about it. Lifting weights will help you gain muscle as well as increasing your bone density.
In your 30s you can focus on resistance training. You want to be building up your strength and endurance.
For your 40s you should definitely focus on strength training. Adding in walks with this will be perfect.
In your 50s you want to do resistance training to help slow the process of aging. Train your bigger muscles like your legs!
For your 60s you really want to make sure you are keeping up with exercising. Go for a walk or take a workout class. You can even do bodyweight workouts. Just make sure you continue with it regularly. Focus on low-impact workouts.
In your 70s focusing on low impact workouts will be perfect as well. Make sure you are taking those rest days so you can recover!
Healthy meals for post workout
Eating is an important part of the workout process. It can also get boring if you continue to eat the same foods every day. Try branching out with the foods you eat and you will enjoy your meal even more. You want to be eating nutrients that are good for your body. Eating protein and carbs will be perfect after you work out. Eating protein will help to repair your muscles. It will also help to build your muscles. Carbs can help to fuel your body for your workout.
Some good carbs to eat after your workout may include rice, oatmeal, fruits, quinoa or other grains, pasta, potatoes, etc.
Good protein for after your workout can be chicken, salmon, eggs, tuna, Greek yogurt, etc.
Even a protein bar or protein powder can work for you post-workout. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated and try our RESCUE BCAA to help support your muscle recovery.
Eating right is very important. It is said to be 80% what you eat and 20% your workout. So you want to be eating right along with eating foods you actually like. Sometimes it can be hard to find a new meal to try, but changing something simple like the spices you add can change the dish completely. Try changing the spices or sauce you put on your chicken and see how much it can change that same simple dish.
Healthy snacks
Snacking can be an addiction especially if you have a sweet tooth like me. Finding the right healthy snacks can be a great way to get extra carbs and protein into your diet. There are so many snacks out there labeled “healthy” but are nowhere near that. There are many snacks out there to try and add some spice into your life. Some snacks include fruits, vegetables, mixed nuts, Greek yogurt, etc.
You can even make your own healthy snacks like oat bars, muffins, protein cookies, and smoothies. There are so many different recipes for anything you may be in the mood for. Trying new snacks can add some spice to your life and is great to add some fuel for your day.
When trying to improve your mental health there are several exercises you can take part in
- Running or walking (both can help with depression and overall benefit your mental health. Running or walking outside can give you the best results. Running can help you analyzing something in another light or even clear your mind)
- Boxing (Using the punching bag can help you to release your stress and anger.it can also help you to release endorphins)
- Yoga (This can be a way to use your mind and body together. The breathing aspect of yoga helps to calm you down, while also getting a good workout in. There are several types of yoga you can participate in which can help your mind stay calm and focused.)
- Resistance training (This type of exercise can help anxiety. It can also help your central nervous system which impacts your mood.)
- Swimming (This low impact workout can improve your mental health. Even just 10 minutes of swimming can help.)
- Rest (Adding rest into your week is extremely important. Balance is important when it comes to exercising.)
Exercising should not be a drag. It should be something that you enjoyed doing that also leads to several benefits for your health. Sometimes working out and having the courage to get to the gym may not be the first thing on your To-Do list. While it may be challenging to get in the gym for the first time once you begin it can be hard to stop.
Finding the right exercises for you can be a game-changer. When you find an exercise or class you enjoy you will be excited to go back every day. You may have to do some trial and error before you will find your perfect workout. Once you do you may enjoy it more than you originally thought.
Add some spice to your life and change your workout routine every week. This can even help you stay focused and really eager to get back to working out the next day.
It is easy to get out of a routine, but changing up your workouts and food can make every day exciting. Get out there and try a new workout tomorrow! Make something for dinner you have never tried before.
Switch the location of your workout to spice it up a little. One day go to a nearby park. The next day you can go on a hike. Take part in free workouts near you. Or even just youtube a yoga class. There is so much you can do just get out there and start.
MAKE IT FUN! If your workout is not fun you will not want to keep up with it. You will quickly get bored and lose interest. Step out of your comfort zone today and try a workout you have never done before. It could be as simple as going for a bike ride around the block. Just make sure you are getting active a few days a week.
Life goes by in the blink of an eye so you want to enjoy the foods you are eating and the exercises you are participating in.
Working out is super beneficial to your mental and physical well-being. Implementing these new and fun workouts can be a great way to boost your mood and even your confidence. Reep all the benefits from working out. Invite friends to work out with you. This will be extremely fun for both of you. It can even be a great way to connect with an old friend you haven’t seen in a long time.
Stay hydrated and eat healthily! This is very important when working out. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be something you hate. There are healthy foods that are very nutritious and taste good too. You have to find the right foods for you. Explore your options and spice up your life with new recipes every day. Buy a healthy cookbook or get some recipes from friends and family. Go on a food store trip and find some healthy foods you have always wanted to try. As always though everything in moderation. You can eat those not-so-healthy foods every once and a while. Have some cheat days here and there! Balance!!!
Find the perfect exercise for you. This may take time, but it will be worth it. Try out a new exercise every day and soon you will find your favorite one. Also, focus on your age group and what workout may be best for you. Keep in mind the amount of time you are spending working out. You shouldn’t be spending too much time or too little time exercising.
Overall, listen to your body! Do what exercises make you happy and feel your best. Eat healthy, protein-rich foods that you enjoy. Don’t be afraid to spice up your workout routine and diet. Have fun with your workouts and try new recipes.
Some foods and workouts to help change it up every now and then:
- Recipe – Chickpea Salad Stuffed Avocados
- Workout – HIIT Kettlebell workout
- Recipe – Cold Pea Avocado Cashew Mint Soup
- Workout – At Home Arm Day
- Recipe – Brownie Batter Oatmeal
- Workout – Rest/Active Rest Day
- Recipe: One Pan Chicken Fajitas
- Workout: At Home Pilates Workout
- Recipe: Kale Chips
- Workout: At Home Core Exercises
- Recipe: Perfect Protein Pumpkin Pancakes
- Workout: At Home Bodyweight Leg Exercises
- Recipe: Healthy Chicken Teriyaki Bowls
- Workout: Rest/Active Rest Day