Do you ever wish you got a day off after a holiday? It is kind of like the idea of needing a vacation from a vacation. Many of us just long for one more day after a long weekend to get ourselves adjusted back to ‘real life’ to get some of the grocery shopping done, meal prepping done, and catching up on some sleep. If you aren’t one of the ‘lucky’ ones that gets an extra day off… psst we think this pool of people is very small and please go high give your bosses for us, then work with what you have by following these 3 tips that will help you sleep better today and not dread for work to start again tomorrow.
Cut the Celebrating in Half
What we are saying here is give yourself a cut off time. Hanging out with your friends and family celebrating a holiday is super important, but that doesn’t mean you need to hang and party until 10pm. Set a time for yourself as to when you would you like to be home. This could look like 2pm or it could look like 5pm. Whatever time it is, make sure the time is realistic in that you feel you got to hang out but then you also have enough time to at least get the minimum done to prepare for the shorter week.
Have a Positive Attitude About Going Back to Work
The real win here is the shorter week right!? Just because you have to go back to work tomorrow doesn’t mean your week is going to be terrible. You have a shorter week ahead of you and this dreaded ‘Monday’ is already Tuesday so really there isn’t too much to complain about. Plus, sipping on a SUPER FUEL will sure give you the energy you may be lacking the first day back to work after an extended weekend off.
Bring Home Leftovers
If you are someone that likes to meal prep on Sundays for the week when there is holiday thrown into the mix that can certainly throw off this time in the kitchen. Your Sunday might be spent hanging with friends and family, which then most likely involves WAY too much food. Take some of the this food home with you and use it for meals at least for the first day back to work. We feel pretty confident in saying that you can get a bit creative with some extra meat and sides you bring home from your social gathering.
Bonus tip: Many of us neglect working out over a holiday break, maybe all you need is just a few minutes to get a little sweaty to feel like you are back into your routine. Check out this 20-minute workout that you can do anywhere.
We recommend drinkingย SUPER POWDERย every day too. SUPER POWDER is an all-in-one little packet that holds up to its name, providing energy, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and mood support. Experience natural daily wellness at home or on-the-go with this transformative formula that offers a true staying power like none other. Plus, we recently updated the formula because we are always keeping your health a priority.