The holiday season is a time for family, friends, and, of course, delicious food. But all that indulging can sometimes leave you feeling guilty. First and foremost, you don’t need to feel guilty at all. We know, easier said than done. Remember you don’t need to earn your food either, but if you are still finding yourself feeling guilty, we totally get it and are here to help. Here is how to not feel guilty about enjoying a holiday meal.

9 Ways to Not Feel Guilty About Enjoying a Holiday Meal
- Focus on Quality, Not Quantity
It’s easy to overindulge when you’re surrounded by so many tempting treats. But instead of trying to eat everything on the table, focus on enjoying a few high-quality items. Savor each bite and really appreciate the flavors. Pick and few of your favorites and enjoy them!
- Find Healthier Options
Just because it’s the holidays doesn’t mean you have to abandon your healthy eating habits. There are plenty of healthier options available, such as roasted vegetables, lean protein, and whole-grain bread. If you are looking for a healthy item, then bring it to the party. This way you know for sure there is something you will enjoy eating and not feel guilty about.
- Make Mindful Choices
Before you put something on your plate, stop and ask yourself if you really want it. If you’re not hungry, don’t feel obligated to eat. And if you are hungry, choose something that you know you’ll enjoy.
- Eat Slowly
It takes your body time to register that it’s full. So eat slowly and savor your food. This will help you avoid overeating. Try eating while you aren’t mingling and catching up. Pass on any of the appetizers that are being passed around and just focus on your conversation. Then, when it is time to eat, focus on eating.
- Take Breaks
Don’t stand around the table while you’re eating. Take breaks to walk around, talk to people, and dance to the music. This will help you avoid mindless snacking.
- Don’t Skip Meals
Skipping meals will only make you more likely to overeat at your next meal. Make sure you’re eating regular, healthy meals throughout the day so you’re not starving when you sit down to your holiday feast.
- Don’t Beat Yourself Up
If you do indulge in something that you know you shouldn’t have, don’t beat yourself up about it. Enjoy it, and move on. You can get back on track with your healthy eating habits the next day.
- Focus on the Non-Food Activities
The holidays are about more than just food. Remember to focus on the non-food activities that you enjoy, such as spending time with loved ones, watching movies, and playing games.
- Practice Self-Care
The holidays can be a stressful time. Make sure you’re taking care of yourself by getting enough sleep, exercising, and doing things that you enjoy.