Many of us experience stress, whether big or small, and some level of exhaustion periodially. This could look like a bad day, bad week or even month (we are so sorry). Stress happens but when it’s prolonged, it can take a toll on your mental health and lead to burnout. Depending on the level of stress that is present in your life, whether it is super stressful or you find yourself stressed often can dictate how often you should practice our tips below. And even if you are someone that doesn’t feel too stressed, there is a reason why you opened this article and we think you can benefit from these “Tips for Avoiding Burnout and Building Resilience in 2023” too.

Tips for Avoiding Burnout and Building Resilience
Try to identify what triggers burnout for you.
Everyone receives stress differently as well as reacts to it differently. An important way to stop burnout in is to understand the things that trigger it for you. Maybe you overcommit yourself and overbooked your schedule so you don’t have time to unwind. Are you working outside of work hours because you’re feeling pressured to get the work done? If you know what sets you off, you are able to act early, build resilience and respond to these stressors in a healthier way.
Set boundaries.
Once you have identified these triggers, it is then easier to be able to understand which boundaries you need to set for yourself. If family time is a priority, find a way to make sure work is not getting in the way of that. If your weekends are overbooked with plans that don’t fulfill you, then it’s time to cancel those plans! Putting boundaries in place are helpful to protect your happiness and making sure you are getting time to recharge which will help decrease stress and avoid burnout.
Implement healthy habits.
When we are tired and feeling like we are drained, it is easy to want to fall into our comfy couches and next think we know, Netflix is asking if we are still watching. (They judge so hard.) But the sedentary action can actually exacerbate the problem. Instead, try taking a 15-minute walk on your lunch break or stretching between meetings. The important part is choosing the healthy habit, sticking to it and own continually adding it into your routine every day.
Don’t run on empty.
If you are home with little ones all day, it is easy to neglect yourself and make sure your kids are well taken care of. Too much of this can lead to total and complete burnout (and it usually sneaks up pretty quickly.) To build resilience, you need to make sure your physical, emotional, and psychological energy levels are up. Think of things that can help you recharge, like listening to your favorite music or podcast, doing something in nature, reading a book, etc. Even if it is just for 10-15 minutes a day, it can really do wonders are recharging your tank.
Don’t fall into Imposter Syndrome.
The Imposter Syndrome is a very debilitating condition that erodes self-esteem and contributes to the exhaustion of burnout. Back to our identification tip, it is important to try and figure out what is triggering this feeling. If it is people on social media, then maybe you should stop using social media for awhile or limiting your time. If it is someone at work who is hard to avoid then one strategy to overcome Imposter Syndrome is realizing that it is simply a thought process, nothing more. Replace your thoughts with positive ones, which leads us to our next tip.
Give yourself a pat on the back.
You too are doing great things and are a kickass human. To help build resilience, be sure to take stock of your strengths and accomplishments. Every evening, make a list of 3 things you did well that day. You are sure to see that you too are amazing.
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