I grew up a fat kid. I have no shame in it, as it has made me who I am today. When I was in my early 20s is when I decided enough was enough and taught myself the better ways of eating. Slowly over the years I would learn more and adjust. I have gone to the extremes of being vegan, raw vegan, vegetarian and now just eating in balance. However, there was a time when I had strict ‘no you can’t eat that food’.
Even though, I don’t think that is the healthiest way to eat and be mentally sane I do think it taught me in some messed up way how I eat now. I happily pick a salad over a burger or a veggie over french fries. They are foods I really enjoy eating, but there was a time in my life when I absolutely did not touch dessert. I also had this fear that one bit would lead to 100 bites and I wouldn’t be able to control my sweet tooth. Yeah, I am one of those people with a sweet tooth and a strong one. I definitely do not ignore my sweet tooth but still usually pick the healthier option.
I definitely do not ignore my sweet tooth but still usually pick the healthier option. When I stumbled across as article in Men’s Health on how one lady, just like me used to ban desserts had a change of life and now eats them, totally awakened her who perspective on eating dessert. Her conclusion, eating dessert is a good thing and here is why she says so!