Know Your Limits – Then Defy Them!
Know your limits, then defy them! What’s holding you back?
Know your limits, then defy them! What’s holding you back?
Winter is coming! And we don’t mean that in the Game of Thrones way. Soon, snow will be topping the mountains and it’ll be time to hit the slopes or the backcountry terrain. Men’s Fitness …
Let’s face it, athletic wear isn’t known for having great pockets. Not to mention, who wants the bulk when you’re running or in the gym? Here are a few clever water bottles with hidden compartments …
A recent New York Times article caught our eye. It’s about how one’s fitness age relates to how long you’ll live. While we all assumed being more fit would lead to a longer life, a …
Kelly Senyei always has wonderful, healthy recipes and now that it’s autumn, we wanted to make sure you’ve heard about her Pumpkin Turkey Chili. Pumpkin has tons of Vitamin A, fiber and potassium! Which means …
Change is in the challenge. Thanks for Keegan and Lindsey at Believe to Achieve for this great gif!
You know we love smoothies! And we’re always looking for new recipes (and ways to mix in our favorite EBOOST flavors). Here’s a creamy raspberry, vanilla smoothie from The Nourishing Gourmet that we think goes …
Running in the evening is a great way to burn off the day’s stress. But it’s getting dark earlier and your evening runs could be dangerous, but Refinery29 has pulled together a great list of …
Plyometrics, or jump training, is designed to increase muscular power and explosiveness. According to WebMD, plyometrics “conditions the body with dynamic resistance exercises that rapidly stretch a muscle (eccentric phase) and then rapidly shorten it …