How long do you think you will live? What age are you trying to make it to before you die? Do you think you will make it to 90 years old? What about 100 years old? Maybe even 110 years old? Recent research has shown that the limit to a human life span is as old as 150 years. Researchers have come up with this number by using mathematical modeling to analyze medical data from more than 500,000 people in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Russia. They found that this is age (more specifically 120-150 years old) is when the body fully loses its ability to recover from illness and injury. Now, are you thinking you might want to aim a bit higher? Maybe go for 110 years old? Whatever age you want to achieve, it is beneficial to keep our bodies as healthy as we can, well at least what we can control. Staying active and fit is easily our number one, so here are four more tips on keeping healthy as you age.

Here are 4 More Tips on Keeping Healthy as You Age:
Just Five a Day
It can be hard to try and consume all of the nutritional requirements put out there. Instead of trying too make sure you eat every single recommended amount of vitamins and minerals, it is more realistic to aim for “five a day”. What this means is, consuming three servings of vegetables and two servings of fruit a day. When this becomes a habit when you don’t even have to think of it, then you can focus adding more to your plate. See what we did there?
Positivity About Aging
Be positive about aging. The power of a positive thoughts surrounding aging can get you a lot further than you’d imagine. If you have a negative outlook on aging than chances are you probably aren’t going to try and be proactive about what you can do to help your body age. If you have a positive outlook on it, then chances are you are more likely to be proactive about helping your body age.
Spend Time on the Floor
Itโs common practice in Japan to sit on the floor. And guess what Japan is home to? It is home to some of the oldest people in the world. Think about it, everytime you get up off of the floor you are essentially doing a squat. You are targeting muscles differently than you would walking or getting out of a chair. Being able to get up and down from a cross-leg seated position is a practice thatโs tested as the sitting-rising test. According to research, those who couldn’t complete the sitting-rising test were five or six times more likely to die than those who were best able to complete the task.
Volunteering is a common hobby among those who live long lives. Volunteering helps us connect to others, allow us to serve others, and just feel good. When we feel good, then we aren’t feeling things like lonliness and depression. Think of ways you can volunteer or fullfil your cup in the way that volunteering fills the cup for others.
If you are thinking our number one tip sounds a bit challenging already, check out this smoothie “formula”. It easily sneaks in a couple servings in a delicious way.