In the NFL, there aren’t such things as ‘days off’. A football player is always in season and training like they play professional games all year round.ย The NFL players aren’t playing on the football fields year round, but ‘playing’ in the gymโtraining to get better, faster, and stronger for the season to come. Think about when it comes to you and your training. Your training is focused year round, so why wouldn’t the top athletes? Sure you mayย switch upย your workouts to cater to the seasons, or whenever you feel like you need to switch it up, but you are still keeping active allย year round. In fact, a lot of the NFL players could be doing the same exercises and workouts that you do on a regular basis! Maybe next time you should peek over your shoulder and see if an NFL is joining you at the gym!
For an NFL football player, it isn’t about packing on the pounds anymore. It is about performing exercises that enhance explosiveness and athleticism. Most importantly, it is critical for a player to show up to each practice and game healthy. The strategy is all about training smarter, not harder. You may be surprised to see what exercises these NFL players love to do in the offseason.