For those of you looking to get sweaty today, we have a great workout for you to try. Independence Day commemorates the Declaration of Independence of the United States, on July 4, 1776, so naturally, this workout is all about completing 1,776 repetitions. The good news is… this workout was originally designed to complete with a team of three people, so grab a couple of friends and put yourself up to the challenge. We are going to share this workout as it was originally designed plus an at-home (aka no equipment) version.
“1776” Workout
You can do no more than 200 of each of the 12 different movements. And each team member must do at least 25 reps per movement done.
The 12 movements are:
Kettle-bell swings (53/35#)
Box jumps (24/20โณ)
Air squats
Calorie row
Double-unders (or 2x singles)
Wall balls (20/14#)
Push press (75/55#)
Hanging power cleans (75/55#)
“1776” At-Home Workout
Performed in the same style as “1776” just changing up the 12 movements.
Air squats
Jump Squats
Jumping Lunges
Knee Tucks
Speed Skaters
Reverse Burpees
Mountain Climbers
Bonus points if you dress patriotic while completing this workout.
And if you are looking for more inspiration, check out our fourth of July workout from last year.