You won’t find any sit ups here.

Classic core exercises occur in two positions, laying on your back or in a plank. These positions and monotony of the same exercises over and over again can get, well… boring to say the least. Don’t get me wrong, these exercises can definitely get the job done but if you are like me, I “A” don’t want to be bored and “B” really like getting a bang for my buck. This is why I have come up with a workout that targets every core muscle while working your lungs too. And if it wasn’t obvious, there won’t be any of the classic core exercises insight.
All you need is a set of light dumbbells. This is not required but will make the exercises more challenging. There will be five exercises, performed in a Tabata style. Meaning you will complete each exercise for 40 seconds with a short 10-second transition to the next exercise. The goal is to get through each exercise twice. If you are looking to get even sweatier, keep going through as many rounds as desired.
The Cardio & The Every Core Muscle Workout
Knee Tucks
In a standing position, begin first by getting coomfortable with jumping. As you feel like you have the rythym starting tucking your knees up a bit higher. Try to tuck them as high as you can for as long as you can during this 40 second interval.
Grab the ends of the dumbbell between your palms and open your feet a bit wider than your hips. Bring your dumbbell at your right waist, then as you engage your core twist at your torso while swinging the dumbbell up and to the left on the outside of your head. Pivot your right foot, rotating your heel out as you do so. Swing the dumbbell back to the starting position and continue on this side for 40 seconds before switching to the other side.
Standing side crunches
Drop the dumbbell (not needed for this exercise) and bring your hands to the back of your head with your elbows out. Engage your abs and crunch/bend over to the right. Try not to bend forward but to the side while keeping the same amount of weight in each foot. Return to the center and bend over to the left. Alternate for 40 seconds.
Devil Press
This is basically like a burpee but with dumbbells. In a plank position with your hands holding the weights, jump your feet towards your hands in a wide stance. Start to stand with a flat back and swing the dumbbells between your legs and together. Throw your hips forwards, bring your chest up and swing the dumbbells up and overhead. Controlled, bring the dumbbells back to the ground and jump your feet back to the starting plank position. Keep at it for 40 seconds.
Knee driver
Let go of the dumbbells and stand in a short lunge position with your right foot forward. Extend your arms straight up alongside your ears with palms facing each other. Drive your left knee into your chest and bring your clasped hands while driving your elbows back behind you. Return to your short lunge and re-extend your arm. 40 seconds on one side before switching to the other.
And there you have it, you have worked out every core muscle in this workout. How are you feeling after a couple of rounds? Time to start your recovery? Recover after your workouts with RESCUE. Our RESCUE is filled with branched chain amino acids (BCAA). BCAAs are a group of three essential amino acids: L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, and L-Valine. Those BCAAs help support muscle protein synthesis and can help support muscle recovery, muscle strength, and delay muscle fatigue. Recover quicker with RESCUE.