When someone says cardio you to you probably think of cardio workouts that involve running, cycling, swimming, or even burpees, right? Cardio or cardiovascular fitness really involves any type of movement that increases your heart rate. That means you don’t NEED to be running or doing burpees to get your heart rate up and you certainly don’t need to go anywhere to do so. Cardio can be done in the comfort of your own home, outside at the park, or at a gym.
If you are someone that focuses a lot on strength (and yes we know that certain strength exercises can get your heart rate up too), you might want to consider adding in some cardio. Cardio does a lot more than just make you breath hard and burn calories. It helps your body maintain healthy blood sugar levels, manage cholesterol, help with sleep and much more. Plus, the American Heart Association suggests we all get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week, or 75 minutes of high-intensity.
So if you aren’t into those classic forms or cardio or the hated burpees, check out these workouts that don’t include any of those yet still get your heart rate pumping.
Jump Squat with Heel Click
How to Perform:
- Start with a standard squat – feet about shoulder-width apart, send your booty back and down, full foot stays planted on the ground, press through the heels of your foot, and drive out with your legs.
- As you are driving out of the bottom of the squat into your jump, roll through your feet and power upward off your toes creating some air. At the top of your jump, click your heels together in midair.
- Try to land softly on your feet, to then go immediately into the next repetition.
Mountain Climbers (with Sliders)
How to Perform:
- Start in aย plank pose with shoulders over wrists, shoulder blades pulled down the back, and core engaged.
- Engage the belly and fire it up by pulling one knee in, then immediately alternate to the other.
- Left and right equals one.ย
Curtsy Lunge to Squat
How to Perform:
- Start in a sumo squat with your feet wider than hip-distance apart.
- Begin the movement by performing a squat like above.
- As you stand out of the bottom of the squat, lift one knee up towards your armpit and then cross that leg behind your opposite leg. One knee in front of the other.
- Like a lunge, bend your knees, send your hips back, and lunge your knee towards the ground.
- Lifting your back knee back up, place your foot back to the front and into the squat position, then lower back down into a squat again.
- Then do the same with the other leg.
- That is one rep.
Jumping Jacks
How to Perform:
- Stand up nice and tall with your feet hip-width apart, with arms at your sides.
- Raise your arms out to the sides and over your head while at the same time, jump your feet out into that sumo squat stance.
- Quickly reverse the movement and return to start. That’s one rep.ย
- Pick up the pace if you can.