If you havenโt picked up a jump rope since your elementary school days, never fear. Jumping rope is a lot like getting on a bike again. Your body will pick it back up quickly. Jumping rope isnโt just a kidโs toy and today we are sharing โ3 Jump Rope HIIT Workouts to Torch Fatโ.
Did you know that skipping rope is one of the most effective cardio exercises around? One study found that skipping rope for 10 minutes a day was comparable to 30 minutes of jogging. Which makes skipping rope less time consuming too.
After you play around with the jump rope a bit to get your skills set back up (we recommend adding into your warm-ups to help you feel more comfortable again), add a jump rope into your HIIT workout. Start by adding in a jump rope HIIT workout about once a week.
We suggest starting with a little foot combo practice. Skip on both feet for 10 skips, then shift to your right foot for 10 skips, then your left for 10 skips. Go back to both feet for 9 skips, then right for 9 and the left for 9 until you keep dropping 1 rep and reach 0.
Jumping rope can be a fun way to get active. You can do it anywhere and anytime which is perfect with our busy hectic schedules. It can be a great thing to add into the start or end of your workout. It can be something fun and new to try. You can do different combinations in order to switch up the workout routine everyday.
If you’re bored with your everyday routine try jump roping out and see how you like it. You will see there is more than meets the eye to this fun high intensity interval training. You do not need much to successfully participate in this workout. All you need is a jump rope, a pair of sneakers, and some room in front/behind and above your head.
In 1600 A.D. vines were used by the Egyptians to jump rope. Some even called it Rope skipping. Jump roping became a competitive sport and can also be found all over in club and organization form. During these competitions there are individual and team events. Crazy to see that jump roping is still around today and used for HIIT workouts by many.
What to consider when buying a jump rope / choosing the right jump rope for you & your workout
For your high intensity interval training you will want to buy a jump rope. When buying your first jump rope take into consideration the weight, length, and quality. There are different ropes to choose from and you want to make sure you are choosing the right fit for the high intensity interval training. When you go to buy you can choose from basic, speed, weighted, and beaded. Each rope does something different. Your basic rope helps you learn the fundamental skills. Whereas your speed rope will be fast and lightweight. The weighted rope is good for your arms and shoulders and will force you to use more energy when doing the workout. The beaded rope is usually used by beginners, but also used for competition because of how the beads sound when hit on the ground.
When trying to find the right length you should step on the middle of the jump rope and pull the rope to your head. The ropes cables should land by your armpits. This tip will help you enjoy your high intensity interval training. There are so many jump ropes on the market so picking the right one may be tricky. Keep in mind what you want to get out of your high intensity interval training when you buy your first rope.
Proper form while jumping rope
You got your jump rope now itโs time to start. In order to start you need to first learn the proper way to use the jump rope. Hand placement is an important part of this high intensity interval training. Depending on the rope you have you will have to grip it in a different way. A lighter rope can be held with your wrists down in a position almost like you are giving someone a handshake. With a heavier rope you want your wrists to align with your forearms.
When jumping rope you want to jump as high as the rope is thick. If you’re taking big jumps you will be wasting energy and make you extremely tired. You want to be jumping low to the ground.
Look straight on when jumping rope and keep your abs in. Make sure you are jumping on the balls of your feet. Make the movement swift. Also, make sure your knees are over your ankles and your shoulders are over your knees. You want to keep your elbows in. You also need to make sure the rhythm of your wrists and your jumps are together. Make sure you are performing small movements with your wrists in order to stay in control of the rope.
If you follow these instructions you are bound to make your first high intensity interval training go smoothly!
Common jump rope mistakes (and how to correct them)
When jumping rope you want to make sure you have proper form. If you want to have a smooth high intensity interval training session keep reading these mistakes made when jumping rope. Jumping too high is a common mistake beginners can make. Jumping high can make you feel tired and make your workout harder. It can also cause damage to your lower body. You want to jump 1 to 2 inches off the ground or as thick as your jump rope is and a slight bend in your knees. Bending your knees too much can cause stress on your lower body.
Your rope length is so important when doing high intensity interval training. You want your rope to be the right length for you. Your wrist position is also important and people tend to have their wrists too far apart which can cause you to trip over the rope. You need to bring your wrists closer together in order to have more control.
Posture is another common mistake. You do not want to be leaning back. Make sure your abs are tucked in and your knees are over your ankles and your shoulders are over your knees.
Donโt swing your arms and shoulders too much. Make sure you are using your wrists to help the rope swing around your body. The revelations of your rope should be efficient.
The grip on your rope is another factor beginners tend to go wrong with. Have your fingers closer to the cable in order to have more control over the rope.
HAVE FUN! Donโt worry too much when jumping rope, just have a good time with it. Practice!!! You will continue to get better as you do so. It takes time to get better at anything when you first start. Donโt get too frustrated on your first few times with the jump rope.
Benefits of Jumping Rope
There are several benefits you can obtain from this high intensity interval training. Getting a jump rope can be an investment worthwhile. Not only is it a great way to elevate your heart rate, but it also burns calories!
Jumping rope is a good way to improve your coordination and increase agility. It can also help to enhance your balance. It is a great high intensity interval training that is linked to fat loss results. It can help to build muscles overtime. It will boost your bone density. Since bone density can decrease with age this workout is perfect. It is also portable which works perfect when going anywhere and everywhere, not just the gym.
There can also be mental benefits of jumping rope. It can help you to improve your spatial awareness which can help your athletic skills. It can also be a meditative activity. It gets you to focus and keep a rhythm. Jumping rope can help tone your muscles and overall strengthen your upper and lower body.
Jumping rope helps you develop speed, power, and endurance. Many body builders along with boxers, and NBA players advocate for jumping roping. Muhammad Ali and Bruce Lee are two supporters of jump roping. Doesn’t this make you want to get involved too!
Monitoring heart rate
When performing this high intensity interval training you want to be monitoring your heart rate. It is important to stay safe while exercising. While this exercise is better for your knees it can make your heart pump very fast. A quick math equation can help show you what your maximal heart rate is. Take 220 and minus it by your age. For example for a 40 year old you could do 220 โ 40=180. For the high end heart rate for working out (85%) you will do your maximal heart rate in this case 180 X 0.85= 153. For something less intense you can use 70%. So you would do 180 X 0.70= 126. There are many tools in order to track your heart rate like a fitbit, apple watch, chest straps, etc.
Tracking your heart rate is important and can help you not only with high intensity interval training, but with any kind of workout you participate in. Donโt forget to keep this simple math equation handy.
Jumping rope compared to other exercises
People sometimes steer away from jumping rope and instead tend to go for a run or a bike ride. Jumping rope is a great way to get the body moving and your heart pumping. It can be a great warm up for your day at the gym. Jumping rope at a moderate pace is like running an 8 minute mile, but you can burn more calories and will engage your muscles. The benefits of jumping rope will make you want to pick up the rope and start your high intensity interval training. It is a full body workout that you wonโt want to skip next gym day.
Length of time you should spend on your High Intensity Interval Training
High intensity interval training can be fun to add into your workout routine. If it is your first time doing a HIIT workout you should follow these steps. First, doing a mix of cardio and weight training throughout the week can help your body become conditioned and strong. Then you can slowly add a high intensity interval training workout into your routine. It can take the place of the cardio workouts you usually participate in.
You can slowly work in jump roping. First you can start with 1 to 5 minutes, three times a week. Once you are more comfortable and more advanced you can try 15 minutes, three times a week. You want to slowly build your way to 30 to 45 minutes a week.
As you become more comfortable you can also add in jump rope strength workouts. These will include doing your basic jump for 30 seconds to a minute, then resting, then adding another movement. These movements can include squat thrusts, inchworms, bodyweight squats, push-ups, mountain climbers, planks, etc.
Start easy with your high intensity interval training and then as you become more comfortable you can make each HIIT workout a little harder. Again just have fun with it and you will become a jump rope junkie.
Tips for before and after your workout
When participating in your high intensity interval training workout you should follow these tips. These workouts will make you put in the more physical effort with a less intense period for recovery. Since this workout is very intense and your heart rate will be very high you will gain benefits in a short period of time. These benefits will be similar to the ones you would gain during a longer endurance workout. High intensity interval training can lead to more calories burned as well.
Before you begin this workout, you want to eat something. You want to have fuel in your body so you can use that during the workout. Even just a small snack an hour before your workout could be perfect to get the most out of this high intensity interval training. You can have carbs and some protein and can add in an energy drink from EBOOST. After your high intensity interval training do You want to make sure you are refueling as well. Protein and carbs are the perfect way to help you repair and rebuild your muscles. Also, make sure you are staying hydrated. EBOOST has a Vegan BCAA Rescue which helps support muscle recovery and promote lean muscle protein synthesis. Try it out the next time you finish your high intensity interval training.
Working out can be hard to get started with. But once you get into the rhythm you will fall in love with it. Following these tips for before and after you do HIIT can maximize your workout. Stay focused and you will see great results. Take your time with everything you do and you will be sure to be successful with your high intensity interval training. Do not get frustrated, just enjoy the process.
4 Jump Rope HIIT Workouts to Torch Fat
- Regular Jumps – 30 seconds
- Rest – 15 seconds
- Right Foot Jumps – 30 seconds
- Rest – 15 seconds
- Left Foot Jumps – 30 seconds
- Rest – 15 seconds
- Regular Jumps – 30 seconds
- Rest – 15 seconds
- A bit quicker jumps – 30 seconds
- Rest – 15 seconds
- Regular Jumps – 30 seconds
- Rest 2 minutes
- Repeat for more of a challenge
- Quick Jumps – 45 seconds
- Rest – 15 seconds
- Double Jumps – 45 seconds
- Rest – 15 seconds
- Running Jumps – 45 seconds
- Rest – 15 seconds
- Side to Side Jumps – 45 seconds
- Rest – 15 seconds
- Running Jumps – 45 seconds
- Rest – 15 seconds
- Double Jumps – 45 seconds
- Rest – 15 seconds
- Quick Jumps – 45 seconds
- Rest – 15 seconds
- Backward jump – 45 seconds
- Regular slower jumps – 15 seconds
- Alternate foot criss-cross – 45 seconds
- Regular slower jumps – 15 seconds
- Fast jumps – 45 seconds
- Regular slower jumps – 15 seconds
- Double under – 45 seconds
- Regular slower jumps – 15 seconds
- Rest 2 minutes
- Repeat for more of a challenge
Other workout
- Regular jumps โ 1 minute
- Push ups โ 45 seconds
- Rest โ 15 seconds
- Regular jumps โ 1 minute
- Plank โ 45 seconds
- Rest โ 15 seconds
- Regular jumps โ 1 minute
- Wall sit โ 45 seconds
- Rest โ 15 seconds
- Regular jumps โ 1 minute
- Squats โ 45 seconds
- Rest โ 15 seconds
Overall, jumping rope can be a fun way to get active. It is great for high intensity interval training. Since this activity is so portable you can bring it anywhere which is perfect for people who are traveling a lot or even if youโre just going to your local gym. Is a perfect effective cardio exercise around. They wonโt take you too long to get a great workout in with this high intensity interval training. You will feel like a little kid again. Start slow and then you will pick it up quickly again. Make sure you choose the right jump rope for you and your workout. You want to consider the weight, link, and quality. You also want to choose from a basic, speed, weighted, or beaded jump rope depending on which high intensity interval training you are considering participating in. Also make sure your rope is the right length for you.
After you buy your rope you want to have the proper form in order to make this high intensity interval training worthwhile. Make sure your body is in line while jumping rope. Make sure the rhythm of your wrists and your jumps are in sync. Keep your elbows in and use your wrists to move the jump rope in circular motions around you.
It is very easy to make mistakes when first starting to jump rope again. You want your form to be correct so you can have a smooth and fun workout. Make small jumps only 1 to 2 inches off the ground. Slightly bend your knees when jumping. Make sure your grip is correct. Have your fingers closer to the cable so you can be in control.
The benefits of jumping rope Will make you want to go back to this fun exercise you probably havenโt done since elementary school. You will burn calories, elevate your heart rate, improve coordination, increase agility, enhance balance, and even benefit you mentally.
Continue to monitor your heart rate while participating in this high intensity interval training. This will help you stay safe.
Jumping rope may not have been the first thing you would think would compare to running. Jumping rope will take less time than running would and itโs just as great of an exercise. It can be a great way to get moving and not have all the stress on your knees like running does.
Pick up a jump rope at your local store or online and start enjoying this high intensity interval training. You will be surprised at how great you feel after this worked out. It is so easy to get caught up in your daily routine exercises. Jump roping will add a little something different to your usual day to day work out. You wonโt regret picking up that jump rope and feeling like a kid again.
Overall, just have a fun time with this exercise. Change it up each time to give yourself something new. Listen to your body and how you feel when doing these different high intensity interval training exercises. Add in different exercises you like with the jump roping. This can help you enjoy your workout more and want to do a high intensity interval training. Sometimes you may not have the motivation to do a full workout, but jump roping will only take up a short amount of time and trust me you will feel great after completing this high intensity interval training.
Enjoy your high intensity interval training next time you participate in it. It can really be enjoyable since you can change it up each time you do it.
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