Who does exercises specifically to target their forearms? Probably, not that many of you. However, your forearms are important to strengthen too. Did you need help to open that jar of pickles? How are your pull-ups? How are your pull-up? Or how are your planks? How is carrying those bags of groceries up five flights of stairs to your apartment? What if we told you that each of these activities requires forearm strength.
Your forearm is responsible for your grip strength. Many of you probably work your forearms from typing on a computer all day, but that isn’t the type of strength that is needed to do the other tasks listed above.
If you feel like your forearms could use some love (hint… everyone should say yes to this), then try out these exercises.
Dead Hang
- Find a pull-up bar or head over to a playground to find a bar to hand from.
- Jump up and grab the bar with your palms facing forward. hang on tight with your palms facing forward.
- Be sure to engage your core while you are hanging and pull your shoulders blades down your back. We like to call this an active hang.
- Start with 5 sets of hanging for 20 seconds with 40 seconds of rest.
Farmer’s Carry
- Start with a dumbbell or kettlebell of equal weight in each hand by your sides. (You will most likely want a weight that is actually lighter than you think you can handle. These start to burn pretty quick.)
- Walk for 400m with your shoulders back and abs tight.
- Rest for 5 minutes.
- Try again.
Forearm Stress Ball Squeeze
Not just for releasing stress.
- Grab a stress ball and just start giving it a good squeeze.
- Squeeze for 5 seconds and release for 1 second.
- Repeat for 3 minutes.
- Rest for 2 minutes.
- Repeat.
If you are looking for other ways to strengthen your pull-ups then check out these ‘3 Ways to Strengthen Your Pull-up Ability’.
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