You have been sitting on your butt all week at work. So this weekend, you are going to put your butt through the workout of its life. We are even making this an at-home no equipment needed workout, so you really don’t have any excuses now. All you need to do is brace yourself for the butt burn.
When performing bodyweight exercises (and really any exercise) it is important to know how to breathe. When you are able to focus on your breath, you begin to form the mind-muscle connection. The mind-muscle connection is important to really feel the full effects of a workout. Have you ever gone through a workout and not really thought about it, to then later feel like it wasn’t that challenging? Well, that is typically because your mind wasn’t present. To learn more about the mind-muscle connection, check out this blog we wrote.
The Ultimate Butt (Body Weight) Burner Workout
During the duration of these exercises, make sure to keep your core and pelvic floor engaged while using the exhale of your breath to help push through the effort phase (the hard part) of each exercise.
There are four exercises in this series. Complete each exercise once before moving on to the next one. Once you have completed all five exercises, then that is one set. The goal here is to complete five sets to really feel the burn.
Speed Skaters
This exercise is great at working the butt, as well as a great way to start the workout by getting your heart rate elevated.
Standing upright with your feet hip-width apart, jump to the right and land on your right leg in a partial squat. While your left foot stays off of the ground and sweeps behind your right leg. Thatโs one rep. Now jump to the other side and do the same thing with the opposite leg.
Complete 20-speed skaters (10 on each side) to complete one set.
Squats + Front Kicks
Performing an air squat by standing with your feet just a little bit wider than hip-distance apart. Lowering your butt back and down, while keeping your core tight and your knees behind your toes, power through your heels back to standing while kicking one leg straight out in front of you (like a karate kick). This is one rep. Complete the same squat, but this time kick your opposite leg out.
Complete 20-squat + front kicks (10 on each side) to complete one set.
Spiderman Lunges
Starting in a plank position, step your right foot to the outside of your right hand. This is going to require some flexibility. Hold for a few seconds and return to the plank position. Thatโs one rep. Continue to the other leg and do the same thing.
Complete 20 spiderman lunges (10 on each side) to complete one set.
Squat Pulses + Donkey Kick
Getting into your squat position again, you are going to lower down into the bottom of your squat. This is where you should maintain your position for the duration of the donkey kicks. Alternating back and forth kick one heal behind you, pressing through your heal as if you are trying to move a brick wall. Once you kick your heal, then place your foot back on the ground while still maintaining the low squat. That’s one rep. Continue the same motion on the other side, while going back and forth between legs. You should really feel the burn in your butt, that wants you to break your squat, but try and stay down there as long as you can. Fight the butt burn.
Complete 20 Squat Pulses + Donkey Kick (10 on each side) to complete one set.
Feeling the butt burn yet? Well, you have four more sets to go!