Do you ever wonder if you are fit enough? Do you ever wonder how your fitness matches up to others? Do you spend too much time comparing yourself to others? Gotcha. Well, this isn't about …
Try this Workout to get Motivated Again
Everyone from time to time has a little slump where they just don't really feel as motivated to workout. Even the best of the best can relate to this feeling. It is normal and is …
The Top 10 Workout Songs Right Now
A workout can go from level 1 to level 10 all by the music you listen to. It is all about driving progressions, upbeat sounds and charging beats that make you want to pick up the …
This is how to trick your brain into loving the gym, according to psychologists
I am totally guilty of doing this very thing this morning. I woke up this morning and didn't want to go to my workout. My alarm was set for enough time to hit snooze a …
We all have days when we just aren't motivated. Whether you are tired, feeling exhausted or just not in the right state of mind, check out the list below from Shape Magazine. I bet you …
7 reasons to never miss a monday workout
Inspiration today comes from an article on Daily Burn by Alex Orlov - '7 Reasons to Never Miss a Monday Workout' If you spent your whole weekend on the couch, waking up for a Monday morning workout …