I do a pretty good job of not skipping a workout. Every week I work out at the same time to hold myself accountable. Sure, that time can change from time to time, but keeping …
4 Things you can do to get back to Sleep When you Wake up in the Middle of the Night
Imagine that, you finally fell asleep only to wake back up again in the middle of the night. You wake up hot or cold, your mind starting racing, you thinking of what you need to …
3 Natural Deodorants that actually Work
Every week there seems to be another article published in the interwebs about chemicals leading to cancer. As much as I may seem annoyed in that statement, I am equally all about how much cancer …
6 Sex Positions That Burn The Most Calories
Sex–yup, I said it. I cannot help but ignore the fact that it is normal for us all to have the instinct, in fact, it is called a human instinct, but nonetheless, sex is what …
Here’s How the Summer Heat can Help you Burn More Calories and Boost Your Metabolism.
According to a new study analysis in Building Research & Information, adjusting your thermostat a few degrees in both directions can boost your metabolism and potentially help fight obesity and diabetes. Hmmm, we may need …