The early bird catches the worm after all, doesn’t it? Or does it? Working out in the morning can have its pros and cons, just like anything else but does one outweigh the other to make working out in the morning the best choice? Let’s find out.

Pros of Working Out in the Morning
It is Out of the Way
For most people the biggest perk about working out in the morning is that it is already done for the day. You don’t have to think about needing to still do it the rest of the day. So no matter what else happens during the day, you have already worked out.
Mentally Grrrrrreat
Working out in the morning can increase alertness, helps cognitive functioning, give you better focus, put you in a better mood, more energy over all… sounds like we could keep going on here.
Healthier Food Choices
This might be a no brainer and literally we mean you don’t really have to think about it. The body does an amazing thing where if you give it something good, it keeps wanting it. What we mean is, if you work out in the morning your body will continue to want healthy things, like feeding it healthy food. Also, since you know you worked out already and put a lot of hard work in, you probably don’t want to blow it by eating at the greasy spoon around the corner (at least 99% you won’t want to.)
Goal = Weight Loss
If your goal is to lose weight then working out in the morning is great. It controls your blood sugar which is a big win. Working out in the morning causes post-workout cell responses that influence metabolism stronger. So you might find yourself not craving sugar as often, which helps shed those pounds off.
Beat the Heat
Waking up early means you can beat the heat of the hot summer months. No need to worry about it being too hot, just make sure you keep hydrated though.
So what will it be? A new early morning workout routine to start the day? Either way, we recommend taking your workouts to the next level with our pre-workout, POW. POW is a natural pre-workout powder that starts working in minutes. No need to wake up an sooner than needed to get your workout in. It also helps with circulation, delays muscle fatigue, and pushes you to do more. Snag POW today.