If you have searched on the web or chatted with friends who work out, there is definitely a preference from all sources as to when they like to work out. Some say they swear by early morning workout, while others prefer to work out after work. This article will go over the pros of working out in the evening.

4 Reasons Working Out in the Evening is Better
Improved Performance
Research shows that people have more energy later in the day than in the morning. Specifically, muscle strength, flexibility, power output, and endurance are all better in the evening than they are in the morning. If you are someone that does more strength-type workouts, you might get better results in the evening.
Quicker Workouts
What we mean by this is your body has had all day to warm up. The core temperature of your body is literally higher. Instead of in the morning, you are coming straight out of bed, and your body is cooler. Your body takes longer to get into the groove in the morning than in the evening. We aren’t saying you should skip warming up, but it is pretty obvious when your body is already warmed up a bit over when it isn’t.
Stress Release
One of the best ways to relieve stress is to work out. Having the day occur before your workout, you are bound to endure some stress leading up to working out in the evening. Plus, the surge of endorphins you get during and after exercise can be a sweet nightcap that helps you wind down before bed.
Break Bad Habit
Working out in the evening can help break some bad habits. Instead of happy hours, you can hit the gym. Instead of snacking a lot in the evening, working out in the evening takes some snacking time away. Additionally, when you work out close to a time in which you snack a lot, you might not want to snack. All that hard work would go right out the window and is a good reminder to break a habit.
A great partner to your workouts in the evening is a recovery supplement, like our BCAAs. RESCUE is caffeine free, so it won’t keep you up at night and helps support muscle protein synthesis. It also helps support muscle recovery, muscle strength and delay muscle fatigue. Grab some RESCUE today.