We have a lot of environmental factors that can leave us feeling like we aren’t losing weight or, worse yet, gaining weight. Age can have something to do with it, stress can definitely play a part, insomnia, depression, etc. And the worst cycle of them all… emotionally eating and then getting emotional for not liking your weight. Cleaning up your diet can certainly help but increasing your body’s serotonin (feel-good hormones) levels purely through food is unlikely to happen since it’s not found in large quantities in most diets. This is where 5-HTP can help.

What is 5-HTP?
5-HTP, or 5-hydroxytryptophan, is a naturally occurring substance that comes from the seed pods of Griffonia simplicifolia.
Is it Good for You?
When consumed, it converts directly into serotonin in the brain and has been shown to help with mood, anxiety, and weight loss.
Does 5-HTP Help You Lose Weight?
Well, let’s take a look. A study out of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition had 20 obese participants supplement with 900 milligrams of 5-HTP or a placebo daily for 12 weeks. For the first six weeks, no dietary guidelines were given, but the subjects were asked to keep records of what they ate. During the second half, participants were instructed to reduce their calorie intake down to 1200 a day, which is an amount that could be considered “extreme” dieting.
During the first weeks, the participants voluntarily taking 5-HTP reduced their calorie intake from 3,233 calories to 1,886. Those given the placebo observed no change in food intake. When asked to drop calories during weeks 7-12, the 5-HTP group dropped down to 1,276 calories with ease. Reducing their calorie intake by 610 calories. The second drop in calories during the 12 weeks. The drop in calories led to a significant decrease in body weight only observed in the 5-HTP group.
**Cangiano, C., Ceci, F., Cascino, A., Del Ben, M., Laviano, A., Muscaritoli, M., … & Rossi-Fanelli, F. (1992).ย Eating behavior and adherence to dietary prescriptions in obese adult subjects treated with 5-hydroxytryptophan.ย The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 56(5), 863-867.
5-HTP shows the most benefit as a booster to an already healthy diet or weight loss diet. It can help you stick to your nutritional plan. A great way to keep you on the path to success.
For those taking anti-depressants, it is not recommended to take 5-HTP, especially without a doctor’s supervision. Please consult your doctor before taking supplements.
Where Can I Get 5-HTP?
Luck for you, we carry a supplement with 5-HTP in it. Our SUPER POWER has a proprietary blend of 5-HTP, resveratrol, l-tyrosine, quercetin, huperzine-A and astragalus. By taking SUPER FUEL, it can leave you sharper, clearer, happier plus a ton of other benefits that you can check out here.