The holidays are a wonderful time of year when you gather with friends and family to spread good cheer. Unavoidably, these gatherings are usually surrounded by food and drinks. Like they say, “Eat, drink and be merry” and it is a merry time of year. This can really scare people who are looking to avoid holiday weight gain. Our tip is to not avoid these gatherings as it is important mentally to be around those you love, but instead, approach these gatherings with a solid plan.

What plan is that you might ask? Well, we are here to spill it all and it all comes down to eating more of this and less of that.
Should You Restrict Your Calories?
We hear from a lot of people that before they enter a big meal, they restrict themselves the day before or leading up to the meal. Although we understand the thought behind this, it is not something we recommend. “Starving” yourself beforehand can trigger the brain that when it does actually come time to eat that you are binging. These types of signals to the brain can spiral quickly and leave you uncomfortably full by the time your brain has caught up with your stomach.
How Can I Feel Full Without Eating?
Water. Yes, drink water all day. Sure, it sounds simple, but literally, be drinking water all day and plan to use the bathroom frequently. Water will keep you feeling fuller which then can prevent you from overeating. Also, if it is the alcohol you are concerned with overindulging in then at the very least try alternating each drink with water. This will stop you from drinking half of what you might have. However, our favorite trick is asking for soda water and a lemon or lime. It will look to others like you are enjoying a cocktail but really you are saving on calories and possibly making pour judgment calls.
What Should I Eat More Of?
It is a good rule of thumb to find the smallest plate you can find and use that to eat from, especially when there are just appetizers and food laying all over the place. If you eat from a small plate then you can only eat what you can fit on the plate.
Additionally to using a small plate, fill the plate as much as you can with veggies, then a dash of protein and fats to keep it a bit more well-rounded meal.
Oh, and if it is a gathering where you need to bring a dish to pass then bring one you are comfortable eating. If that is literally the only thing you eat all night, then more power to you for sticking to your goals.

What Should I Eat Less Of?
- Try to eat out less. It is easy to get busy and not think about dinner until it is too late. Try to plan ahead as much as possible. Plan ahead with well-balanced meals and portioned to fit your needs.
- Always try to eat your veggies and salad first. Then move on to other items on your plate. Eat slow, so that you know when your stomach is full.
- Politely skip dessert.
- And if you are eating out and can’t control the food you are served, stay away from things that are all one color, like a whole plate of like white, tan, and brown colored things. Chances are these items are loaded with carbs and bad fats. Stick to eating whatever whole foods you can.
With these tips, we are sure to get you on the right path in avoiding holiday weight gain this year.
But in all seriousness, the bottom line is that the holidays are only a very short period of time during a whole year. Just do your best and you have the New Year to make some adjustments if needed. If you do find yourself feeling a little hungover after a night of hanging out, then we suggest a nice tall glass of SUPER POWDER. SUPER POWDER is a superior way to hydrate. A blend of electrolytes helps you stay hydrated and replenish your body from the minerals lost your good time last night. Also loaded with antioxidants and essential vitamins and minerals, SUPER POWDER is ready to get you up and off of that couch in no time.