How often do you take a shower? Do you think you have good hygiene habits? Do you think you shower about the same as everyone else? DYK that some shower just once a day while others shower twice a day? Heck, sometimes people skip a few days. But what is the right amount of times to shower? To be honest, how many times you should shower depends on quite a few factors. It is important to take into consideration your activity level, your skin type, and if you are just naturally kind of a stinky person.

So are you showering the right amount? Can you skip the daily shower? Is there such a thing as overdoing it? Keep reading to learn more!
How active are you?
If you are someone who lives a pretty active life, then a couple showers could totally be okay. While showering more than once a day could be bad for your skin, thereโs no consensus on how often you should. If you are worried about showering too much there are signs that your body will tell you, if you are. Like, your skin is dry, breaking out, looking a bit ashy, or feeling kind of itchy. Additionally, your hair will show signs too. If your hair is becoming dry or brittle, this may also be a sign that youโre washing it too often. You could try just washing your body more often than your hair if your body is calling for it.
If you are a stinky sweater then you probably want to shower after you sweat. (For all of our sakes.) If you don’t stink when you sweat and the sweating was mild and you don’t have an acne problem, then you can probably get away with a shower later or the next day. You know the time is right.
Where do you live?
Something to also consider is what season are you in or where do you live. If you live in a humid climate and find yourself a bit sweaty during the day, then a daily shower could be your perfect solution. Or even two showers on those extra sweaty days. However, if you are in a cold dryer climate then skipping a shower every so often will probably do your body good to help keep its natural body oil on the skin and not constantly wash it off.
Bottom line.
The takeaway here is that you do not need to be afraid to skip a shower one day or to take more than one shower some days. The powerful thing about the body is that it will show you when it. is not happy. Also, your friends keeping their distance might be a good sign too.

And the same goes for baths. If you need to decompress and hop in the bath to relax. Just do it.