When we were younger we would just fight through a cold. Sure, we would get sick a few times a year, but who didn’t. Over the years more and more supplements have popped up on the market claiming to shorten colds, but those don’t work until you are already sick. As we get older, we start to pay attention to our health a bit more. We don’t want to wait until we are sick, or feel the early signs of getting sick before taking a supplement. No, we want to live healthier to try and prevent getting sick altogether. Sure, small colds are bound to happen, but if there are things we can take that will proactively work to keep us less sick, then sign me up.

3 Everyday Ways to Keep Sickness Away
Making sure you consume the right vitamins and minerals, which shouldn’t be hard if you are following a healthy diet or whole fresh foods.
Vitamin C
Our bodies don’t make Vitamin C, even though it is great for us. It is important that seek out healthy sources of Vitamin C. The kicker with Vitamin C though is that not all of us can absorb it very well. It is important a highly absorbed, water-soluble form of vitamin C to consume and meet our Vitamin C needs.
Vitamin D3
We all know we can get Vitamin D from the sun, but consuming Vitamin D3 is important whether we are in the sun or not. Vitamin D is essential for nearly every single bodily system and function. Studies have shown that Vitamin D3 specifically supports the immune system.
Zinc is essential for the function of our our body’s first line of defense that fights infection and targets abnormal cells aka level one of our immune system. Studies have shown that even the slightest deficiencies in Zinc have been seen in chronic illness. It is important to consume Zinc daily.
And the best news? Our SUPER POWDER contains Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin D and can be consumed daily. Take these three supplements to help keep sickness away.