You probably know your blood type and you definitely know your astrological sign but did you know there are different gut types? The idea here is that your gut is going to show its true colors when you are stressed out. How your gut reacts is a giveaway to which gut type you have. Although we can all have symptoms of all the gut types, each gut will really shine in one type over the others. The simple reason why our guts react so much to our stress is that our microbiomes and mind are connected via the gut-brain axis. Basically, when you are stressed out (yes, physically too), it spikes your cortisol and sends inflammatory stress signals to your gut from your brain.
Here is what the 5 gut types are and how you can tell which one you have:

The Digestive Gut
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
These are the people that feel the stress the most in their guts. They typically they no idea they actually have issues. Like, they think it is normal to poop every other day when it is definitely not.
If you think this could be you, here are some habits you might be doing that you should think about changing:
- Eating the same foods every day
- Overtraining or actually the complete opposite, too much of a sedentary lifestyle
- Lack of sleep
- Not getting outside enough
- Lack of work-life balance
The Hormonal Gut
Trouble losing weight/Easily gain weight
Low testosterone
Period irregularities
The relationship between hormones and the gut microbiome is bidirectional, what this means is when your gut bacteria is balanced so are your hormones, and vice versa.
The Brain Gut
Headaches and migraines
Brain fog
Your brain and gut are directly related connecting your enteric and central nervous system. The brain and gut connection is a two-way street, meaning the more stress you feel, the more likely your gut health suffers. This can sometimes look like the immune gut (but we will break that down later), because a lot of the symptoms can also appear with your poop first. Some signs through your poop are nausea, loose stools, and IBS when overly stressed.
The Immune Gut
Skin breakouts
Allergies/Sinus Issues
Frequent colds
The reason why the gut can cause theses types of symptoms is because 70% of the immune system is housed in the gut. Those that seem more sensitive to the environment would fall into this category.
The Toxic Gut
Multiple food sensitivities
Nothing helps
The is typically the person that “can’t figure out what is wrong and why they aren’t getting better”. This comes from the fact that they go and get many different types of tests and treatments yet don’t ever feel better from them or get any results that point to something being wrong.
The bottom line here is a lot of your health can be shown through your gut. Your gut can paint a big picture about your health. Fixing and keeping your gut in check can lead to a healthy life.