Yoga means different things to different people.
For some, yoga is a form of exercise.
For others, yoga is a way to connect to something beyond their physicality.
And for others, yoga is both.ย
Now you might not know what yoga means to you yet. You might approach it for exercise, but then late on your path in yoga takes you more spiritual than you expected. Whatever it might be, the right yoga for you, where you are right now, is all about whatever yoga interests you. It isn’t to say a slow flow, like yin yoga is perfect for beginners or even goat yoga. Literally, whatever yoga that sounds the most interesting to you is the one that is perfect for you right now. The beauty of yoga is that it evolves with you.
However, being a beginner to yoga it might be worth knowing some of the exercises before you walk into your class.
What are some basic yoga postures?
Cat Cow Pose
The Cat Cow Pose is a combination of two postures that flow together.
Start off with your hands and knees in a tabletop position. For cow pose, arch your back while looking up by moving through your vertebrates as arch your back. Take a breath or two and flow right into cat post by moving your back in the opposite direction by rounding it and looking down.ย
Downward Dog
Performed in a lot of yoga sequences.
Start off on your hands and knees in tabletop position. Lift your knees off of the ground while pulling your hips to the sky forming an upside-down “v” shape. A lot of breaths are taken in this position as well as stretching throughout your arms and legs.
Mountain Pose
Used for grounding.
Stand tall with your feet together, arms by your sides, abdominal muscles engaged, gaze straight ahead, and breath.ย This one is all about the mental side of yoga.
And to nix another common mythโyoga is great for men too! It can even be argued as essential.