There is a lot of contention around whether food cravings are symptomatic of nutritional deficiencies. We did a little research and we are on the side that food cravings are nutritional deficiencies–here is how.
What is your body really telling you when it comes to these food cravings?

If your body is craving salt it points to the body being in a chloride deficiency. Instead of just dumping salt down your throat, try some of these healthy options that could not only satisfy your craving but also give your body what it is actually asking for.
- fish
- celery
- dairy
- kale

If your body is craving chocolate it points to the body being in a magnesium deficiency. Try eating:
- nuts
- seeds
- dark chocolate

If your body is craving carbohydrates it points to the body being in a protein deficiency. This can be pretty common in vegan and vegetarian diets. Try eating:
- eggs
- meat
- nuts

Greasy Foods
If your body is craving greasy food it points to the body being in a calcium deficiency. (Or your liver is talking to you after a night of drinking). Instead of pulling up at the closest fast-food restaurants and chowing down on a burger and fries try eating:
- Avocado
- nuts
- salmon
- broccoli
Additionally, getting enough sleep helps to curb all types of different cravings and starts you off on the right foot for eating healthy every day.
Plus, if you are looking for some healthier alternatives to your chocolate cravings, we have plenty of healthy chocolate desserts up our sleeves. We are big chocolate lovers.