Being quarantined at home the past few months has probably been the first time in your life where you literally are feeding yourself every meal. You aren’t going out to eat with your bestie five days a week or forgetting to pack a lunch. No, you have spent weeks now feeding yourself every single meal and having full control of how your food is being prepared and cooked. So what have you learned? Are you eating a whole foods diet? Are you getting in plenty of vegetables? Or did you order take out even more than you ever have before?
Whatever it might be, we challenge you to eat these seven vegetables all in one day. And if that wasn’t enough, then eat all even of these vegetables every day for an entire week. Why? Because research shows that these five vegetables are the best ones to consume every day.
5 Vegetables You Should Consume Every Day

You should have probably guessed that the ultimate vegetable to place into your daily diet was definitely going to be something green. Spinach is one of those vegetables that we link to sneak into our meals. We have a whole list of smoothie recipes that we love sneaking spinach into on the daily.

This might be the most challenging one on the list. At least for me, I think beets are messy. They are hard to cut without making your kitchen look like a murder scene or at least you hands and really I don’t know how to cook them. Luckily, some stores already prep them and are ready for you to gobble up, so really I don’t have an excuse which means you don’t either. The beet is great to eat every day because of its anti-inflammatory properties. It can even help oxidative stress.

Sweet Potatoes
Yes! I knew there would be someone telling me that eating sweet potato fries every day is a good thing. Well, maybe if you air-fry them yourself, but really sweet potatoes (and also carrots) contain beta-carotene, which helps to fight against cancer. Sweet potatoes are great way to add some sweetness onto your plate without spiking your blood sugar as they are a low glycemic food and high in fiber.

Mushrooms are excellent for heart health and disease prevention. Plus, you can just about throw mushrooms on anything. Throw them into your eggs, throw them on a salad, make a side dish out of them or even use them as a meat replacer. We don’t recommend having mushrooms as dessert, but hey, each to their own.

Like sweet potatoes, carrots contain beta-carotene too, so a double whammy for preventing cancer. The real powerhouse of carrots though is that they are the best thing in the world to help eyesight. Just have a bag of baby carrots on hand and start snacking like you are Bugs Bunny.