Ever feel like you are always tired and you are not sure why? Or you feel like you are always running on adrenalin and the moment it wears off you crash? Or maybe you have drunk your 10th cup of coffee today. Well, if this sounds like you, you might be suffering from adrenal fatigue.
When adrenal fatigue hits your body, it can affect more than just your lack of energy. It can be taxing on your mood, cause weight gain, wear your digestion down, etc. Adrenal fatigue can also come from a plethora of different sources, not just because you are working out too much, like a lot of people think.
The adrenal glands in our body are responsible for producing and regulating the hormones in the body. It isn’t just stress and anxiety that wear on our adrenals but also processed food and hormone disruptors in products we use on our bodies. From medicine to beauty products, these can all block our body’s ability to produce and balance the hormones it needs.
Check out the signs before to see if you think you could be suffering from adrenal fatigue. If you are, you should talk to your doctor right away.
4 Signs You’re Suffering From Adrenal Fatigue
Being constantly tired is the easy one so let’s skip on to some others that you might not be as aware of.

Slow Recovery
Taking a long time to recover from a workout might be a sign of a really brutal workout, but it could also be a sign that your body is completely drained. Fatigue paired with imbalanced hormones inevitably slows the recovery process.

Salt Cravings
Yes, studies have shown that people with adrenal fatigue crave salt. Even worse, you might have Addison’s Disease which is severe adrenal insufficiency.

Sweating Constantly
We sweat in two different ways. We sweat when our body is trying to cool us down and we sweat when we are anxious. If you are sweating just from unloading the groceries, then your body could be telling you something. If this is the case, then your body is producing the type of sweat that happens when you are anxious. When your body is under adrenal fatigue it is constantly in fight or flight mode and doesn’t know the difference if you are getting a hard workout in or just going for a walk.

Low Sex Drive
If your sex drive has changed dramatically then it could be a sign of adrenal fatigue. Of course, if your sex drive has changed because you just aren’t into the person anymore then that is a different issue altogether.
Recover after your workouts with RESCUE. Our RESCUE is filled with branched chain amino acids (BCAA). BCAAs are a group of three essential amino acids: L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, and L-Valine. Those BCAAs help support muscle protein synthesis and can help support muscle recovery, muscle strength, and delay muscle fatigue. Recover quicker with RESCUE.