A lot of us are concerned right now with how to manage to stay healthy while be ‘trapped’ in our homes. Our gyms are closed, items we regularly buy at the grocery store might be hard to come by, human contact is limited, etc. Even though we don’t have our regular resources to rely on, there are still ways in which you can keep up as close to a regular routine and stay healthy while we are under a “shelter at home”.
4 Simple Ways to Stay Healthy

Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention and staying present in the moment. It is a way that we can focus on self-awareness as a strategy to enhance personal happiness, pay attention to what is going on with other people, the community, and society at large. It is important, however, to filer out things about others, the community, and society at large that are not serving you any good. We are not suggesting ignoring it, but to only take in minimum amounts of negative awareness or figure out how you can make the negative turn into a positive for yourself. Practice being present when you take in the information and see how it makes you feel. If it makes you feel positive, then allow it to continue, if it makes you feel negative then think about ways you can let it go or shift it to a positive feeling.

Taking Walks
Mother Nature is not closed. You just need to be aware of keeping physically distant from one another. Find a path less traveled and go explore it, walk around the neighborhood. You might even chat with a neighbor you have never seen before. Schedule a phone walking date with a friend or family member. Mother Nature can really cleanse our souls, clear our minds and center us. It is important to keep close to Mother Nature, as well as keeping your body moving.

Eating Right
We did mention before that some of your regular items at the grocery store might be hard to come by but that doesn’t mean you need to throw in the towel altogether. If you can’t get in your spinach today, maybe try a new vegetable or relax knowing that going a couple days without it isn’t the end of the world. Get creative with the ingredients you do have at home. Make it fun, like an at-home version of Chopped. Okay, maybe that is a bit extreme but do what you can, even just plain carrots are very satisfying than chopping them up and putting them in a veggie melody.

Taking Vitamins
The great thing about obtaining vitamins is that most of them can be purchased online. No need to go out to the store to still get your vitamins. Vitamins are essential to your body, especially because a lot of vitamins and minerals your body cannot make on its own. Plus, keeping your body as healthy as possible right now is your key to keeping yourself healthy and getting through this without getting sick. Instead of buying every vitamin on its own, it is cost-effective to find supplements that have many vitamins in them, like our SUPER POWDER. SUPER POWDER has 1,000 mg of Vitamin C, and 100% daily value or more of Vitamin D, B3, B6, B12, folate, zinc, selenium, copper, and chromium. Plus more!
See being healthy doesn’t have to be complicated. Just doing a couple things a day intentionally can put your health way above a lot of people.