When the first snow first hits it can be a bit tough to get out of bed. The warmth and the coziness of the bed are just too good to pass up and super easy to keep hitting that snooze button. When beds get too cozy and workouts seem to not be something you’re motivated to do on your own, then it is time to seek out other ways to get you motivated.
Restructure Your Goal
If you are finding it difficult to reach your goal, it doesn’t necessarily mean your goal is unachievable, it might just mean you need to approach it a bit different. Instead, of seeing your goal as a large one like “sign up for an Ironman”, “compete in an Olympic lifting competition”, “complete a century bike ride”, etc.
Breaking down your big goal into smaller goals can have more doable action steps. This helps your brain think positively due to achieving much smaller goals more frequent. Plus, on those days when you just feel like sleeping in a bit longer, it is totally okay. You can do an at-home 20-minute yoga or HIIT workout and still work towards your goal, just as making it to your 5:30am spin class.
Recruit a Workout Partner
Research shows that working out with a partner not only holds you accountable to show up, but it actually gets you to push yourself harder during your workouts too. ย The biggest thing to keep in mind though is to find a workout partner that is on the same level as you and share the same fitness goals. If you are not on the same level, then one person ends up suffering or planning out the workouts get too complicated.
Just on Social Media
We are encouraging this behavior in a positive way. Jumping on social media the night before a workout when you are already regretting doing it in the morning but help you actually show up for your workout. Find your favorite fitness inspo page and get inspired. You might see someone try out a new exercise that you think would be super fun to try out tomorrow. Or maybe you someone shares about their struggles and how they overcame them. Whatever the inspiration might be, use other people’s social media accounts as a way to inspire you to keep at it.