Happy October 1st! And what better way to start the month off than with a healthier eating calendar. Eating clean doesn’t have to always happen before a big event, bikini season, or ringing in the new year. Eating clean can start at any time and be successful with the right tools.
This is why we put together a template to help keep you on track with healthier eating all month long (and beyond). The idea here is to remove the necessary foods in your pantry or refrigerator that might tempt you to fall off track while providing you daily reminders and tips to try along the way. We don’t want to overwhelm you all at once but slowly integrate healthy habits daily.
The goal for this month is to eat more whole foods and say no to the processed junk you currently might be eating. Keep in mind that some processes junk means no to frozen dinners and things that expire more than a couple weeks from now and say yes to fresh produce.
Every day, this calendar will help walk you through the process with easy-to-understand tips like things to cut out entirely and how to cook more healthy, fresh meals.
Just save this image, print it out and place it somewhere that you can reference every morning! Oh, and of course, good luck!
If you are on a budget, check out our tips and tricks to eating healthy on a budget.