Why does it seem like one day a workout can totally kick your butt leaving you sore for days and then another day, it can feel completely lackluster? Without needing to dive into whether it was a solid programmed workout, there are some ‘simpler’ things we can look into first that doesn’t require a professional trainer to let you know if your workouts are solid or not.

3 Reasons Why a Workout Can Kick Butt One Day and Not Another
What you Eat
One reason why your workout might not feel great is that your body is not fueled properly. This could happen from possibly you did refuel your body after your workout yesterday, you had a different breakfast this morning, you ate an extra midnight snack the night before. There could be a lot of different factors when it comes to your eating but next time you have a killer workout, take the time to think about what you ate and when you ate the food the day before and the day leading up to the workout. This could help put you on the right track of having more good workouts than bad.
How you Sleep
Adequate sleep has a big impact on the effectiveness of your workouts. If you don’t get the amount of sleep that is ideal for you, your whole day could suffer including your workouts. Additionally, when you go hard during a workout youโre creating “trauma” to the muscle tissue in the workout. This trauma is going to need recovery, which can come in the form of rest. Our pre-workout, POW also has great ingredients that helps for muscle recovery as well.
Nervous System
The workouts that feel the best happen when your nervous system is functioning well. What this means is that your mind is into the workout. Your mind is paying attention to the exercises, the contractions, the hard work, etc. This is where the mind-muscle connection really is the most important.
When you have your eating, sleep and nervous all working at its best, then you are going to definitely find yourself working through WAY more good workouts than bad.