Every day you have a chance at taking those steps towards better health.
Every day you get to pick one thing out of millions of food choices you can consume. What we put into our body has a huge impact on how we feel, behave and perform. A great way to approach this is that with every time you want to eat, ask yourselfโdoes it contain refined-sugar and is it processed food? If the answer is yes to either of these then you might want to not eat it, or at least limit your intake. Generally, you want to stick to a whole foods diet (foods coming directly from the Earth and not altered with), high protein, high fat and lower amounts of carbohydrates for better health.
Due to what a lot of people might think, eating healthy does not have to be expensive. If you are looking for some tips on how to eat healthy for less, check out this article we wrote.
Break a Sweat
We could go on and on about how important it is to break a sweat at least once a day. We did create our whole business around supplements that assist in breaking a sweat, so yeah you could say we are a bit passionate about this topic. When we say break a sweat, it doesn’t mean the hardest workout of your entire life for at least 30 minutes every day. Sure, that would be great for a couple of the days but we know it isn’t ideal for anyone’s schedule nor does your body really need to work out like that. Working out at a high intensity is great a few times a week, then the other days of the week you can do moderate workouts, then the other days filled with some active recovery. Break a sweat (almost) every day for better health.
Your body’s need to recover is just as important as when you stress it out (by working out). One way to really break the, “I am a terrible sleeper” mold is to start waking up at the same time, every dayโeven on the weekends. Your body will learn this pattern and be able to adjust to this type of sleep every single day keeping your refreshed and recovered for the next day. Of course, it is important to get quality sleep too so getting the right amount of sleep for you is important as well as avoiding those ‘blue light’ electronics close to bedtime (more on this later).
Cold Showers
Cold showers are becoming more of a trendy thing and for a good reason. Cold showers do wonders in waking your body up. When cold water hits your tired body, youโre forced to stand up tall and draw a deep breath because it is freaking cold, man. This sudden change in your breathing and posture signals not just your physical body to change but your internal chemistry as well. Your internal chemistry tells your body to be more alert, more focused, for better health, and ready for any challenge that the day brings.
Limiting Screens
It is hard to get away from computer screens, phone screens, TV screens, etc due to work or whatever else you might need them for. Even though many of us need to be in front of screens for many hours it is important to understand that our body is getting a lot of sensory overload from these screens. We are getting a constant stream of information, notifications, lights, and vibrations and sounds that keep our brains distracted from our thoughts and feelings. It is important to intentionally step away from these types of devices for a period of time throughout the day and in the evening. Challenge yourself to 10-minute blocks here and there throughout the day and then at least an hour in the evening where you are not being in front of a screen or distracted by your phone.