You’ve been following specific guidelines to eat healthy for a bit now. You have been feeling great, your energy has increased, you feel less bloat and you have even lost weight but suddenly you have hit a plateau. When this happens, it doesn’t necessarily mean you need to change to a new way of eating, since the point of getting healthier is to find out what is going to work for you in the long run. Instead of completely giving up or changing your entire routine, it is important to make sure that you first ask yourself these three questions. How you answer the questions, will determine what changes you might need to make.
What do your portions look like?
Getting the correct portions for your body and activity can be quite the challenge. This is where everyone is unique and your portions are most likely not like others in your household or even your friends. However, this can be the number one thing that can make a lot of difference in your weight loss journey. With this step, you can try to increase or decrease your portions. Sometimes people don’t eat enough which can slow down their metabolism and sometimes people are eating too much. A good place to start to is to look at your portions and compare them to serving sizes. Yup, this is where you whip out the measuring cups or start weighing your foods to see where you are at.
What Add-Ins are you Using?
When we say add-ins, in this case, we are talking about oils, butter and sauces you may be cooking with. It is important to understand the different smoke points for the oils you have in your kitchen. You should be reaching for something with a high smoke point, such as peanut oil, sunflower or grapeseed oil. Heating an oil past its smoke point can cause it to break down. If the oil gets to the point where it breaks down it may lose some health benefits, or the heat could even cause some oils to produce free radicals or toxins–this is certainly not good for anyone. Again, make sure you are using the correct portions with these add-ins too as the calories do count.
How are you Flavoring your Food?
If you are reaching for salt, fats, and sugars to flavor your food then it is time you stop. This technique is an easy way to increase your calorie intake or get your body craving certain foods. Fats are easy to misjudge when it comes to portions and add tons of calories to your meal with just a small serving. Also, by adding salt and sugar to your meals can leave your brain craving more sugar and salt later. Try using spices and herbs to flavor your next meal. Next time you are cooking chicken, try adding thyme, oregano, garlic or even turmeric to your chicken. Adding fresh herbs to dishes can give the meal an extra boost of antioxidants and vitamins too.