Squats are a staple in any lower body workout, especially if you are trying to work on your butt. However, squats arenโt just great for your butt they are also great at strengthening pretty much every muscle in your legsโthink thighs, calves, glutes, hamstrings, and and the bonus core workout too (if you are doing them right).
Before trying any variations of squats you will want to master a basic squat first. To execute a squat you want to first stand tall with your feet spread shoulder-width apart, this is your starting position. To perform the actual squat motion, you will need to lower your hips to the floor by bend your knees. You will want to focus on lowering your butt back as opposed to straight down while keeping your core engaged. A good way to tell if you are performing a squat correctly is to look at your toes. You should see your toes and see that your knees are not in front of your toes. The idea is to lower your butt a little bit beyond parallel but you should only lower your butt down as the breath allows. You want to keep an inhale the whole time you lower. Once you canโt inhale a breath anymore then this is your depth. To return to the starting position, you are going to exhale, drive through your heels, keep your knees pressing outward and squeeze your glutes.
Once you have returned to a standing position, that is one rep. If you have mastered the squat then it is time for you to try some of these variations that all steam off of the Sumo Squat to get more out of your workout and challenge your glutes in a different way.
How to squat
Take into consideration the small things when you first start squatting. You want your squat to be one of the main exercises you do. This can help you obtain that tight butt you have been looking for.
There are different ways to help you improve your squat. Squats are extremely important and can be effective parts of your workout. Having the right technique can be all the difference. Always make sure your chest is up in any squat position you are doing. Keep your feet forward and when squatting make sure your knees do not go over your toes. You can hold your arms in front of you, at your chest, or on your head. Keep the weight in your heels and drop your hips back.
Incorporating dumbbells, or barbells can be a perfect way to add weight to the workout. Start slow and with time you can add weight. You can start with a 5 pound dumbbell. Hold your weight up at your chest. Then use the above steps to squat. Slowly add more weight to your squat. As for using a barbell, start with no weight on the bar. As you get more comfortable you can slowly add the same weight to both the sides of the barbell. When adding weight grab a spotter to help guild you as you do your squat. You can also gain more range of motion and get deeper into your squat as you continue to get better at the squat.
Squatting can be a great exercise to overall help you in your future workouts.
Sumo Squat
The Sumo Squat is very similar to a regular squat except your feet are in a wider stance. Your feet this time should be wider than shoulder width apart with your toes slightly turned out. Try this one out for size by starting off with 10 repetitions. You should feel this squat target more out of your outer glutes and inner thighs.
Both the sumo squat and regular squat can help to give you a great glute pump. You want to make sure you are implementing both of these exercises into your next leg day.
Try adding weight next time you do your sumo squat. This can help make the exercise more challenging and help grow your glutes even more and get that tight butt. You can also perform more reps. Try doing 8-15 reps per set. For your sumo squats you can do 3-4 sets.
Sumo Squat With Pulse On Toes
Adding another layer to the Sumo Squat, this one is a Sumo Squat Online on your toes and with a pulse. Getting into your sumo squat position, you are this time going to raise up on your toes before you lower your butt back and down. After you get comfortable with this variation, try adding little pulses at the bottom of your squat before you stand back up. A pulse can be as small as one inch lower and to one inch higher than your regular Sumo Squat depth.
Sumo Squat Jack
Starting again in your Sumo Squat stance, you are going to perform a Sumo Squat like normal until you get to the bottom of the squat. From the bottom of the Sumo Squat instead of just standing back up, you are going to jump your feet in together and windmill your arms up overhead like a Jumping Jack. As soon as your legs and hands come together in your standing position, you will jump your feet back out into your Sumo Squat to lower back down. This is one repetition.
Squat Jump
Almost like the Sumo Squat Jack, this one is still slightly different. You will begin the same as you are performing a Sumo Squat Jack. Instead, when you are at the bottom you are not going to jump your feet together, you are still going to jump but keeping your legs wide in the Sumo Squat stance. It is like performing a Sumo Squat but adding in a little jump instead of just coming to a stand.
Regular Squat
With a regular squat you should be putting your feet a little bit wider than your hip width. Try to keep your body almost in a straight line. When squatting, shift your weight to your heels to really feel the squat in your glutes. This can be a great exercise to implement into your workouts each week. With time you will continue to get better at squatting. Doing your squat the correct way can change everything.
Best shoes for squatting
When squatting you want to make sure you are wearing the right shoes. This can be an important way to get all the benefits out of the squat. You donโt necessarily want to be wearing your running shoes when you squat. Try to find a shoe that has a flat bottom. These types of shoes can help with other glute exercises that you may incorporate into your leg day. You could even go barefoot so you are even flatter on the ground.
How to implement squatting into your weekly workouts
Along with these 4 main sumo squats to implement into your workout. There are several others you should try. While some may only hit legs once a week others try to implement leg workouts 3 times a week. Itโs so important to work every muscle in your body. This will overall help you gain strength and mobility that you never had before. Working out can be tough with our busy schedules, but try to incorporate a leg day at least once a week. A main exercise to try and do every week is the squat. If you want to see results you need to stay consistent.
First, we can start easy with bodyweight squats. Whether you are doing regular bodyweight squats or sumo bodyweight squats both can help to get your form down. They will also not be as challenging as weighted squats. Getting your form down can change the growth you obtain from the squat. It can also diminish any of your progress if you donโt have great form. So keep in mind the importance of your form.
Once you are comfortable with body weight squats start to incorporate weights. When incorporating weights there are several squats to choose from. Each leg day try a new one out!
Make sure with all of the exercises you are using proper squat form and engaging your core.
- Leg day 1: Start with dumbbells. Position yourself in your sumo squat and hold your dumbbells at your sides. Add more weight with each set you do. To make this exercise more challenging you can get on an elevated surface in order to get more depth with your sumo squat. You can also do this with your regular squat stance.
- Leg day 2: Barbell back squat. When doing this type of exercise try to have a spotter for extra support. Start slow! You can start with no weight on the barbell in order to get down the form of your squat. Step under your rack so the barbell is on your back and lift it off the rack. Then take a few steps back and start your squat. With this squat you can be in a sumo position or a regular position with your legs. Add weight as you become more comfortable and confident.
- Leg day 3: Front squat. During this exercise you will be holding the barbell on the front of you. You want the barbell to be resting on the front of your shoulders. Then you can drop into your squat. Keep the same form you would if you did your bodyweight squat. Keep adding weight as you become more comfortable.
- Leg day 4: Goblet squat. For this squat you want to go a little bit wider than the sumo squat. Again, practice perfecting your form while keeping the dumbbell at your chest. Add more weight with each set.
- Leg day 5: Isometric squat. This squat is perfect for when you have no weights around. Get into your regular squat position. Then drop down into the squat and hold for five seconds. Come back up and repeat 8-12 times. This type of exercise will help you to strengthen your leg muscles. It can also help to increase your range of motion.
- Leg day 6: Box squat. This exercise can help you with your range of motion. Put a box or bench behind you. Then drop into your squat and lightly touch the box with your butt. Then stand back up. You can add weight once you become more confident and comfortable.
- Leg day 7: Banded squats. Start with a band around your legs right above your knees. Then proceed into your regular squat. This band will help you so you do not cave your knees in. Push your knees out when you perform this exercise. You can add dumbbells either by your sides or in front of your chest.
- Leg day 8: Sissy squat. You can use the smith machine for this exercise. Drop the bar low so it is in line with your calves. You will then step in front of the barbell with both legs. You can put a weight on your feet to help hold them down. Then squat so your butt goes over the barbell. Keep your calves pushed against the machine the whole time. Add weight as you become more comfortable with this workout.
Keep in mind that there are several other squat exercises you can do. Some include smith machine squat, box jump squat, wall squat, weighted jump squat, bulgarian split squat, etc.
You can also incorporate the exercises from โYour Butt is Going to Burn from this Oneโ into your next leg day!
All these exercises take time to master. So donโt get frustrated when first starting out. You will get better each time you perform the exercises. Keep practicing and adding more weight and you will see the gradual improvement. You can also gain that tight butt you have been aspiring for.
Why should you squat
While some may not love to squat it can definitely be a great exercise to perfect during your leg days. Squats are perfect for your quads, glutes, and hamstrings. They can also help with balance. Depending on how you squat you can really target your glutes or quads. Squatting can also be great for your abs. It helps strengthen muscles and tendons in your legs so your risk of injury reduces. It can also be done anywhere and anytime. Which is really perfect for our busy days. It is also great for burning calories. Combining it with other weight lifting exercises can overall help you burn even more calories.
Reducing injury
When weight training you should focus on perfecting your form so you do not get injured. Try focusing on keeping your knees and ankles in line. Keep your core tight while performing your squat. Keep practicing perfecting your form so when you do add weights you will not obtain an injury.
Always pay attention to how you feel before, during and after your workout. If you do not feel right donโt continue with the workout. It is extremely important to listen to your body. This can help reduce the risk of injury.
Treat your injuries. While staying out of the gym may not be your favorite thing, in order to reduce getting re injured you need to treat the injury you have. This will help save you in the long run.
Rest and recover!!! This can help to repair your muscles. It will also help the tissues grow. Try our RESCUE BCAA to help support muscle recovery!
Who likes to be awoken out of bed by the screeches of sirens and horns? Not so nice. Well, your muscles and skeletal frame are the same. If you want to get the best from your body โ and decrease the chance of injury โ treat it with ease and comfort. The goal is to loosen up the muscles you are about to work, waking the joints in your toes, through your ankles, up your legs and butt, then shoulders, arms, and neck.
A suitable warm-up and stretch at the start of your day could look like this:
- Hydrate-hydrate-hydrate.
- While still in bed: begin by raising up your legs and flexing your toes, then circling your feet at the ankle. Swing your legs upward and hug them into your body. Feel the backs of your thighs stretch. You are easing your muscles awake and into movement.
- While still hugging your legs, lean your knees toward your side, left, then right to flex your back. You havenโt even set your feet on the floor yet and your body is tuning up. An extra tip: stretch the smile muscles on your face. Did you know it takes 17 facial muscles to smile, but all 43 to frown? Smile!
- Relax your legs and raise your arms up and toward the ceiling. Stretch. Press your chin toward your collar bone to work your neck.
- Smile again.
- Once out of bed, to get your body moving, try leg swings while holding onto the wall. If you are really ambitious, you may even want to start with a light jog in place for five minutes.
The Golden Rule for smart, overall health? Hydration-hydration-hydration. If you want to fire up your body to its full capacity, then think of drinking. (A quick tip: the reason you may start off your day tired is because you may actually be dehydrated.) Thatโs why taking in liquid, especially your favorite EBOOST energy drink, when you first wake in the morning can boost you out of bed. Fluids fill your bodyโs gas tank โ and thatโs essential.
Everyone knows that the human body is mostly made up of H2O. Thatโs about 60%. This number varies depending on your age and gender. Sharpen your mind and strengthen your muscles. Remember to follow the Golden Rule and amp up on liquids.
Best squat for gaining a tight butt
While some squat variations may be more quad dominant others focus specifically on growing your glutes. First, there are glute kickbacks. Start in your regular squat position. Drop into your squat (making sure youโre keeping good form). Stand up from your squat and kick one of your legs straight back. Alternate legs with each squat you do. Another squat variation you can try is the curtsey squat. For this squat you want to lower into your normal squat position. From there you can step your right foot back and to the left. Then alternate to the other leg (left foot back and to the right). With each curtsey return back to the starting squat position. Another tight butt exercise to do will be split squat. Start in a staggered stance, drop your hips so that your front leg is parallel to the ground. Then use your front legs heel to push yourself back up. Alternate your legs with each split squat you do.
Squatting can be a difficult exercise when you first begin. You can keep challenging yourself by adding weight to each set. In time you will get your form down and become a pro! Just keep in mind that practice makes perfect. If you want to gain a tight butt keep squatting!
Keep in mind the form you need to have when squatting. keep your chest up while squatting. make sure your knees do not go over your toes. You can put your arms wherever you feel most comfortable, that could be straight out in front of you, on your hips, over your head, or in front of your chest. Make sure your weight is distributed to your heels and drop your hips back. When you get comfortable add weights! Keep in mind the different ways to put your feet depending on the squat that you are participating in.
Make sure you are wearing the right shoes for you! You want to be comfortable. Whether that be wearing no shoes or flat shoes, pick your poison.
Pick a new squat variation to do for each leg day. This can help to change up your workouts a little and get different parts of the legs and butt working. There are several different squat variations that you can try on your next leg day.
Squatting is a great exercise for your quads, glutes and hamstrings. It can be done anywhere and anytime so go into some open space and start squatting.
Make sure you are staying safe and aware when squatting. You can easily injure yourself, so be careful! Make sure you are stretching. This can help to reduce the risk of injury. Of course, stay hydrated before, during, and after your workout!!! This is the key when it comes to exercise.
Get your tight butt and leg muscles working. You will be thankful later!