This isn’t the first time you have heard us or another health and fitness source talk about gut health and this sure won’t be the last. Our gut health is directly related to how our bodies respond to stress, so if during this holiday season you seek clarity and washing the grog away is what you’re after this season, now’s a great time to consider giving your gut some extra TLC.
In order to take care of your gut is it is good to know some dos and don’ts. Your gut health has to do with the medicine you feed it aka the food you eat. There are some foods you will want to make sure you eat plenty of and then there are foods that you should avoid to heal your gut. With this list of foods, it is good to make sure you are getting plenty of probiotics too. You can find probiotics in foods, especially fermented ones. Probiotics are also rich in dairy foods too but as you are going to quickly learn, the other parts of dairy are actually what can aid in our creating our unhealthy gut environments. Instead, you can supplement with a probiotic product, like our CULTURE.
Foods to Avoid
Dairy – there are two proteins in milk, casein and whey, that a lot of people have a hard to digesting which can lead to food sensitivities.
Gluten – research shows that around 30 percent of Americans have a gluten sensitivity in one way or another.
Soy – most of the soy mass-produced in the United States is genetically modified (GMO).
Corns – all we need to say is GMO.
Nightshades – include produce like tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, and peppers. The main problem with nightshades is that they contain alkaloids, which are their way of protecting themselves from insects and can be toxic to humans in large amounts.
Sugar – the unhealthy bacteria in your gut feeds on sugar and not just high fructose corn syrup or cane sugar but all forms of sugar.
Foods to Add-In
Healthy Fats
High-fiber foods like chia seeds and leafy greens
Low-glycemic and slow releasing carbs, like sweet potatoes
Clean lean proteins like free-range poultry, wild-caught fish, and grass-fed meats
Call us a broken record but stress is something that needs to be controlled and during the holiday season it can easily spike, so do yourself a favor and this holiday season pay closer attention to the foods you eat. Your gut will become healthy and you feeling healthy will allow you to enjoy the holiday season that much more.