We are wavering in limbo right now between some days still feeling like summer and other days feeling more like fall is here and winter is right around the corner. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t start making sure our immune system is in tip-top shape. It is always important to keep our immune systems strong but particularly more in the cooler months because we are usually more susceptible to infections like colds and the flu virus.
When the weather cools, we spend far more time indoors. This makes indoor places a bit more crowded which them exposes us to more germs and a reason why colds and cases of flu can spread so rapidly. where people crowd together and are usually exposed to more germs, which can allow infections to spread more rapidly. Makes sense right?
In order to combat the exposure of more germs, we need to make sure our immune system is running on all cylinders and ready to fend off those nasty germs. One way to do this is from the food we eat. Our food provides a lot of nutritional value to us, so it is important to eat right. Another great thing about Mother Nature is that seasonal foods happen right when they need to. In the cooler months foods that thrive the best are foods that our bodies need to keep our immune systems strong.
Some nutrients to make sure you are getting enough of are: Vitamins A, E, and C, and Zinc. Here is a list of foods high in those nutrients that help support our winter health.
PS: What are the best immune boosting foods and why?
Vitamins A and E nutrient denseย 
cruciferous veg, like broccoli and cauliflower
herbs like thyme and oregano
Vitamin C nutrient dense
red meat
whole grains
dairy products
The easiest ways to incorporate these foods into the diet is to include them in recipes you already make or maybe this is a great excuse for you to get a bit more creative in the kitchen with new recipes, like soups. Soupsย are a great one-stop shop way to incorporate a wide range of immune-boosting foods in one meal. Eating these foods as often is possibleย will certainly help while keeping your diet rich in lean meats too.
If you’re looking for that extra boost, try adding our SUPER POWDER into your daily routine. SUPER POWDER is helpful for overall health & wellness.