Even though getting fit doesn’t happen overnight (we wish) thereย is a list of things that you are potentially doing that is making the ‘getting fit’ process even harder (or delayed) in achieving. What you do before bed is just as important as what you do when you wake up. Do you think you have some bad habits you need to shake before you wisp away to dreamland? Read on to see if you do one or some of these habits you should try to break if you want to reach your goals as timely as possible.
Skipping Dinner
Although you don’t want to go to bed stuffed or inhale some food right before you snooze, you don’t want to go to bed starving either. Going to bed hungry can lead to you waking up starving in the middle of the night and reaching for something in the fridge or cause you to inhale way too much breakfast in the morning. If you think you will be up long past your dinner time, then try only eating half of your dinner at dinner time and leaving the rest for in a couple hours. This will keep you from snacking right before bed.
Drinking Alcohol Before Bed
We like winding down with an alcoholic beverage after a long day of work just like the next guy, but that doesn’t mean our physically likes it. We know it certainly helps mentally.ย If youโre working on your fitness, downing a few drinks at night will extra empty calories that you just donโt need. Plus, it can cause inflammation in the body.
Falling Asleep to the TV
Our bodies are easily confused by unnatural light sources like the television or phone or computer or whatever it may be. Since our bodies are easily confused by this unnatural light messes with our circadian rhythms while we sleep. Research shows that unnatural light cycles have serious consequences for our sleep habits and overall health. Not sleeping well can increase the chances of depression.
Working Out too Close to Bedtime
There are plenty of us that enjoy waking up earlier to get in a sweat before work, but there are certainlyย plenty of others that enjoy decompressing through a workout after work. Everyone has their preference. Working out after work not only decompresses you after a long day, but helps tire you out too effectively too. The only caution to the wise is toย monitor your endorphinย release. If you find yourself having a hard time falling asleep or not getting good sleep, then you may want to consider working out earlier in the day.