Do I really need to stretch?
YES! The answer is yes. I know a lot of us don’t take this too seriously, heck I am not the best at stretching either.
However, I do know we all have five minutes. Make use of your next five minutes and do these three stretches. At the very least, do them after your next workout and here is why.
You can prevent injury.relieve pain.ย
You can relieve pain.ย
You will improve circulation.
You will definitely relieve stress.
Downward Dog
Downward Dog isn’t just for Yogis.
Performing downward dog improves flexibility in your calves, hamstrings, and shoulders. The stretching does a great job at relieving pain in the low back.
Lastly, it elongates the cervical spine, which relieves tension in the body and sends blood to the head.
Low Lunge
The low lunge improves flexibility tremendously in hips, as well as the quadriceps.
The stretch is also great at being able to release the psoas. The psoas is part of a group of muscles called the hip flexors. When you experience low back pain a lot of the time it is because of the psoas.
Lying Spinal Twist
Performing the lying spinal twist lengthens and realigns the spine. This stretch can also stimulate the digestive system.
What is your favorite stretch?