In honor of World Smile Day, I share with you – ‘4 ways to give off positive energy every day’ – so that we can do our part and continue being happy by giving off positive energy every day and not just when it is celebrated.
It is true – smiling is contagious. Think about when you are smiled at by someone you know very well or even by a total stranger. Of course, the smile from someone you know will immediately cause you to smile, whereas, a smile from a stranger may feel a bit different. Maybe it caught you off guard and you didn’t smile back because your window of opportunity was too quick. I bet though, you will feel a bit of an uplift. A feeling that will get you to smile at the next person or give off positive energy to the next person that crosses your path. Try it – smile more at people and see what unfolds.
Wake Up With A Positive Thought
Starting your morning off on the ‘positive foot’, creates a huge momentum of how the rest of your day will go. Thinking of something positive as soon as you wake up, instead of thinking about how you want to sleep more or dreading thoughts of getting out of bed. Instead think of how great it is to wake up to a new day, or think of something positive you have on your schedule that day or think of how great it is going to be walking into the room next to yours and kissing your kid on the forehead. Whatever your thought may be, make it a positive one and the change can do wonders to your attitude about the day.
Positive Self Talk
I am reminded of a meme posted the other day, as it serves very well here. The meme said – ‘Hating your body, doesn’t change your body’. Sure, we all have things about ourselves that we aren’t the biggest fans of – but that doesn’t mean you have to knock yourself down in the process. Respect what you don’t like, but understand it is a-okay. It is okay that whatever you don’t like is something you truly don’t like. But know you have the ability to create change in your life – to help things you don’t like and that it isn’t always going to be a burden holding you back.
Wear Your Favorite Shirt
Whether it be your favorite shirt, favorite pair of pants, favorite tie, favorite shoes or favorite way to wear your hair – pay attention to the way you feel in that favorite pair of whatever it may be for you. You are in your most content state when you are feeling your best. Feeling your best absolutely shines its way through when you are digging what you are wearing. Happiness speaks volumes, even if you aren’t smiling or bouncing around. Happiness spills from our pores and is picked up by everyone around it. The next time you wear your favorite item, pay attention to how your day goes and report back.
The more you practice these tips the more it will just become second nature. There is no need to do all four things every day, but incorporating them here and there is such an eye opener as to how you can immediately change a moment with something so simple. Positivity is contagious.