FBG co-founders Jennipher Walters and Erin Whitehead
Here at EBOOST, we like to celebrate those who work towards making this world a healthier, happier, and fitter place. ย This week we are turning the spotlight on two of our favorite Bloggers who have turned their morning commute chats to one of THE go-to websites for women’s health, fitness, and overall life advice. ย Meet Jennipher Walters from fitbottomedgirls.com and Erin Whitehead from fitbottomedmamas.com.
What event in your life helped inspire FBG?
JENN: Although I loved working in the industry, I did succumb to pressure to look a certain way as a “fitness professional.” I’ve written about it before (http://bit.ly/SLIdsv), but I did develop some unhealthy behaviors like yo-yo dieting and over-exercising and generally just beating myself up for the number on the scale. Before I got married in 2007, I met with a registered dietitian who taught me the concept of intuitive eating and helped me to live a truly healthy and happy lifestyle. It was LIFE CHANGING. So life-changing that I knew more women needed the message — hence FBG!ย
ERIN: My business partner and co-founder Jenn had the brilliant idea of a fun, accessible fitness and health site for women and I happily jumped on board. It gave both of us a fun writing outlet that our day jobs didn’t provide, and it just kept growing and growing!
What does a typical day in your diet look like?
JENN: I splurge a little more on the weekends because my husband and I are kind of foodies and like to go out or cook big elaborate meals at home, but during the week, a typical day will be a couple of eggs with kale and grapefruit for breakfast, a “big ass salad” (http://bit.ly/Z5H7Ne) for lunch, some turkey and avocado or nuts for a snack and then something like fish tacos or bison stew with roasted Brussels sprouts for dinner. Oh, and probably a couple of pieces of dark chocolate and a glass of red wine!
ERIN: I could seriously eat Cheerios and strawberries for breakfast every day, but I’m trying to mix it up and get more protein by doing egg and veggie scrambles. For lunch I’ve been doing giant salads–salads large enough to feed a wildebeest, I swear. Bagged lettuce, avocado, rotisserie chicken, some sort of cheese, and as many other veggies as I have on hand. For dinner, it all depends. I must buy a rotisserie chicken once a week. Add a veggie and some rice and you’ve got a super easy meal.ย
I know that FBG prides themselves on being “real girls, not gladiators.” What does this mean to you?
JENN & ERIN: This means that we are not fitness models or professional athletes — nor do we pretend to be. We’re real girls with real lives and are trying to balance work, family and fun the best we can. We sometimes skip workouts or eat too much or evenย don’tย feel 100 percent confident in our bodies now and again — but we are committed to living a LIFESTYLE of health — not being or looking “perfect.” It’s all about adding joy and more awesome to your life — not deprivation.
What is your current exercise routine?
JENN: I have self-diagnosed workout ADD, so I do a bit of everything. I do CrossFit-style workouts one to two times a week, run a few miles two to three times a week, do yoga for 30 minutes to an hour at least once a week and walk my dog every day.
ERIN: I didn’t realize what a challenge working out would be once I had kids. Right now I fit in whatever I can, when I can. I’ve detailed my struggles with gym daycare on FitBottomedMamas.com, and we’re still working on it. Some days I haul both kids to the gym only to get 10 minutes into a stairclimber workout and be called back to the daycare. Other days I’m able to do a 45-minute strength and cardio session. For me, it’s all about making it count because I don’t know how long I’ll have!
Tell us a little about the FBG Winter Weight Loss program, how you came up with the formula, and what makes it different from all the other weight loss programs out there?
JENN: I am SO pumped about our FBG Life Winter Weight-Loss program that starts in January ()! I’ve been teaching online classes for awhile now, and it’s just such a wonderful way to really connect with readers. This program — that’s done with weekly live classes – is like group coaching. Each week the participants set goals, have funwork (instead of “homework”) and cheer on a fellow workout buddy. It’s an eight-week crash course that really teaches you how to sanely lose weight while having a dang good time! From beating emotional eating to how to work out smarter not longer to how to build your self-confidence, it’s an amazing journey that changes lives. (You can read about some of the girls’ experiences here:ย )
Here at EBOOST we try to provide people with a healthy alternative for energy. ย How do you get energized in the morning and maintain that energy throughout the day?
JENN: Besides taking an EBOOST? My favorite way to get energy in the morning is to drink a big ol’ glass of water, have a healthy snack and then workout. It’s the best way to wake up and get going in a positive way. Then, it’s all about continuing to eat well and stay hydrated.
ERIN: I couldn’t get going in the morning without breakfast and coffee.ย
Many moms find it hard to eat a healthy and balanced diet while chasing after their little ones. Any tips on how to make this easier?
ERIN: Have go-to meals that are quick and easy to put together. Healthy sandwiches and salads are super fast to throw together and make great lunches. Don’t fall into the trap of buying items marketed to kids; they don’t need them and neither do you! Also, have a snack with you at all times so you’re not tempted to hit the drive-thru.ย
What is your favorite go to snack?
JENN: Right now it’s a handful of walnuts and goji berries. Or anything involving almond butter. Like carrots and almond butter…yum.
ERIN: Right now I’m eating popcorn almost daily as an afternoon snack! Other times it’s string cheese, nuts, or a piece of fruit.
What is your best tip for maintaining a balanced lifestyle? ย I know some people believe in portion control and others think of the body as a bank account; is there any belief system you subscribe to?
JENN & Erin: Listen to your hunger. I think many of us are totally out of whack when it comes to our hunger cues. If you can simply pay more attention to how hungry you are before you eat and how full you are after you eat, it can do a world of difference. You’d be amazed at how much food we eat totally mindlessly and barely even taste, let alone fully enjoy.
What is in the future for FBG?
JENN & ERIN: Oh, my goodness, so much! We have a major project we’ll beย announcingย in the coming months, along with a new healthy food site that’s launching in January called Fit Bottomed Eats! It’s going to be a delicious New Year…