You have come to the right place if you are looking to turn up that heart rate and burn some fat all with no equipment during this Cardio Burn HIIT Workout.
For a little refresher,ย HIIT workoutsย are bursts of effort followed by short moments of rest. This style of working out are some of the most efficient workouts you can do. These exercises are about moving as quickly as you can for a duration of time followed by a quick rest. You should push yourself to where to the point where you couldn’t possibly have a conversation with someone right next to you.
In our typical HIIT workouts, we usually work out for anywhere between 20 seconds and a minute. Today we are going to push this time a bit longer. For this Cardio Burn HIIT Workout, we are going to push the body for three minutes, followed by a one-minute rest.

Cardio Burn HIIT Workout
Before you begin, we recommend doing a five-minute warm-up of jumping jacks, air squats, sit-ups, knee tucks, and burpees.
Perform each exercise for 45 seconds before moving to the next. Push yourself to minimal time between moving in between exercises. You will have a one-minute rest after the three minutes is complete.
Pop Squats
- Start in a standing position.
- Jump your feet out wide into a squat, and simultaneously reach down with a flat back and touch the ground with your right hand.
- Pressing through your heels, jump your feet back together, then repeat with the opposite hand.
- Perform as many pop squats for 45 seconds.
Leg Raises
- Begin lying flat on your back, with your hands behind your head and elbows out wide.
- Bring your feet straight up to the sky and engage your core.
- Lift your shoulders off the mat, take a big inhale and lower your right leg to the ground. When you can’t inhale anymore, exhale and bring your leg back up. Repeat this with your left leg. Then lower both legs together.
- So it will go: single (R), single (L), both (R & L), both (R & L).
- Continue for 45 seconds, then go back to pop squats and cycle through both of these exercises one more time.
Take a one-minute rest before moving to the next duo.
Plyo Lunges
- Start in a standing position with your hands behind your head.
- Step your right foot back into a reverge lunge position.
- Jump to the right, as you lunge your right leg forward and your left leg back. Then do the opposite with your legs will still jumping to the right. You should essentially be performing jump lunges while moving laterally to the right.
- Continue jumping and lunging until you have jumped 10 times to the right. Then perform the same movement but this time jumping 10 lunges to the left.
- Repeat for 45 seconds.
Mountain Climbers
- Start in a plank position.
- Quickly bring one knee into your chest while lifting the foot off the ground.
- As soon as that leg comes back straight and the foot back on the ground, as fast as you can switch legs and bring the other leg into your chest.
- Continue alternating your legs as fast as you can.
- Repeat for 45 seconds.
Take a one-minute rest before moving to the next duo.
Push-up + Squat Jump
- Start in a standing position.
- Bend over, place your hands on the mat, and slowly crawl out to the top of a plank position.
- Perform a push-up.
- Then walk your hands back towards your feet.
- Release your hands from the ground, into a squat position. Jump out of the squat to stand.
- When you land back on the ground with your feet, continue through crawl-out.
- Repeat for 45 seconds.
- Lay on your back.
- Feet extended our in front of you.
- Throw you rhands forward as you try to keep your back nice a flat into a seated position.
- Be sure to have your shoulder pass your hip crease.
- Then lower back to the ground with a flat back and repeat.
- Repeat for 45 seconds.