Latreal Mitchell is a celebrity trainer, health coach, and EBOOST Ambassador. Her client list includes Khloe Kardashian, Terry Crews, and Michael Strahan. She is also the trainer on call for Good Housekeeping Magazine. We recently connected with Latreal Mitchell to ask her a few questions about how she has been staying fit and keeping up with her healthy eating these past few months.

What is keeping you motivated right now?
Life! Every day above ground is a great day, and I do not need a lot of motivation. It wasn’t always like that, but I meditate daily and read and watch uplifting things. Most importantly, I stay surrounded by positive people.
How are you staying fit without being able to go to the gym?
I have a Peloton, I use the Variis by Equinox for Yoga, and I have tons of resistance training bands.
If there is one piece of equipment someone could get the most results from while working out at home (or the local park), what would it be?
Resistance bands
What is your go-to workout people can do at home?
I create my workouts for myself unless it’s yoga. Still, there are many great apps available for at-home bodyweight workouts. The Variis App and the Nike Training Club App have many options and allow you to create a program for you to follow.ย
Yes, apps are a great accountability partner these days! With people needing to stay home more to eat meals what is your favorite ‘easy button’ meal to make at home?
I always keep quinoa in the fridge, so I stir fry veggies in avocado oil with onions and add the quinoa. Super easy and healthy.ย
When ordering Door Dash/Uber Eats, how do you make sure you order a healthy meal?
I type in vegan or grilled fish, and Postmates will show restaurants that have healthy options.
Ooo great tips on typing in specific food items to see what pops up. Thanks. When you are hanging out at home and feeling a little hungry, what is your favorite healthy snack?
Blueberries and Almonds

Of course, we can’t chat with you without asking about some EBOOST products. What is your favorite EBOOST product right now, and why?
POW is my favorite product. It gives me that extra edge when I work out, and it does not give me the jitters.ย
That energy boost is certainly some motivation many of us need some days. Speaking of motivation, a morning routine can be pretty key in starting off the day on the right food. What does your morning routine look like (if you have one)?
Every morning I get up at 4 am, and I do early morning cardio on an empty stomach and 15 mins of yoga post cycle ride. I burn sage and listen to Positive Energy Music on YouTube. At the same time, I prepare my arugula salad and eggs for breakfast. I feed and take my dog out, and I do 15 mins of meditation after that.
What is your motto right now?
Trying is Lying โ I sell my motto on sweatshirts and t-shirts on Amazon. Let’s commit to what we want to do. Try is a cop-out word. You can say I try to eat healthily, or I try to workout. Words are powerful. What if you said, I’m going to workout, or I’m going to eat healthily? Guess what? You probably will do exactly what you said you would do.
If you want to learn more about Latreal Mitchell and what she is up to day by day, follow her on Instagram.