Do you find yourself moving from day to day just wishing the weekend was here already? Or maybe you think if you could just hit the big lottery numbers you’d be set for life!
Let’s face it, we all have been guilty of working in the present while wishing for the future.
We say things like, “Well, maybe next year I’ll lose some weight.” Or “Next month I’ll stay on my budget.”
But next month and then next year come and go yet nothing ever changes.
Why is that? Why can’t we just be happy and start living right now? Just because there is a saying that “the grass may be greener on the other side” doesn’t make it so!
We do not have to simply let time pass by and hope that one day we finally arrive at the perfect place for us.
No, no, no! We can be happy! We can live a life of abundance! Starting right now!
Let’s look at 10 easy steps to be happy and start living today!
#1: Count your blessings.
Whenever any of my friends or colleagues travel overseas to a third world country they all seem to make a statement about how content people seemed to be even though they had less of everything.
It seems a mystery of sorts. How can one have so little yet be so happy?
I think it’s because they have learned how to count their blessings. Their easy step is to count blessed what they currently have.
They have a roof over the heads and food to eat, and that is enough!